Payday 3: How to Stealth Boys in Blue

After a lengthy period without any new content, Payday 3 has finally released its latest DLC heist, Boys in Blue. Here’s a guide on completing the new mission quietly and without triggering any alarms.

The upcoming Payday 3 game will include Boys in Blue as its first heist, slated for release in 2024 as part of the Year 1 DLC roadmap. This mission will require players to infiltrate a police station and retrieve gold for Vlad.

The heist offers the option to play either loud or stealthily, with the objectives varying based on your chosen method.

If you’re having difficulty avoiding triggering alarms during the heist, we have created a walkthrough to guarantee a smooth and undetected completion of Boys in Blue.

How to Successfully Execute the Stealth Mission Boys in Blue in Payday 3

Before starting Payday 3, be sure to utilize our suggested stealth loadout. Once you have loaded up Boys in Blue, proceed by entering the police station directly in front of you through the main entrance.

Starbreeze Studios / dexerto

While unmasked, be sure to take note of guard locations and vital key items.

These are all the guard locations we have discovered so far, but keep in mind that the exact number may vary depending on the difficulty:

  • Several police officers outside near vehicles
  • At least one officer patrolling the downstairs corridor
  • At least one officer patrolling the downstairs area behind the desk
  • At least two officers patrolling the upstairs office
  • One officer in the camera room upstairs
  • At least four officers patrolling the parking lot, split between the lot itself and some security rooms

After entering the police station lobby, you will find a box filled with donuts on the reception desk, which will be useful later.

“Ensure that you are in close proximity to a civilian in order to activate the Rush ability from the Grifter Basic skill. Use the Social Engineering skill to discreetly acquire the donuts without arousing any suspicion.”

Starbreeze Studios / dexerto

You’ll be moving through this hallway quite a lot during this heist.

Where to Find the Captain’s Office

Shade will assign you the task of going upstairs and locating the Captain’s office. Locate the door directly across from the main desk in the lobby and use your lockpicking skills to open it. Before attempting this, ensure that Rush is still active and disable any nearby cameras if they are facing the door.

As you enter through this door, you will find a flight of stairs on your left leading up to the upstairs office. Please be cautious of the guard who regularly patrols this area. Prior to ascending the stairs, it may be beneficial to unlock some of the exterior doors in this corridor for easier entry from outside.

To locate the Captain’s office, observe the two guards patrolling in the upstairs office. As you navigate along the room’s perimeter, take note of their positions and avoid them. Utilize the civilian workers to refill your Rush through Social Engineering. Once you spot the door with the Captain’s plaque, use lockpicking to gain entry.

The Police Captain is currently in his office, which is classified as a Secure Area. Therefore, it is important to not enter the room without using the Rush ability. Shade will inform you that it is necessary to create a distraction in order to get the Captain out of his office. This can be achieved by either masking up and restraining him, or by placing the donuts in the kitchen on the opposite end of the office while remaining unmasked.

payday 3 boys in blue captain office
payday 3 boys in blue captain office

After placing the donuts, the Captain and other police officers in the upstairs office will relocate to the kitchen and remain there for the time being. This will provide some extra safety when navigating the upstairs area, but if you are playing on Overkill difficulty, be aware of the Lead Guard who may still appear in this area.

With the Captain no longer present, proceed to unobtrusively hack into the PC in his office and monitor the progress bar as it fills. Once it reaches approximately halfway, an extra level of security will activate, requiring you to locate and hack a second PC within the main office. Be sure to complete this task without drawing any attention to yourself.

After completing the task, return to the Captain’s office to complete the hacking process. This will allow you to access his emails. Make sure to pay attention to the email that mentions a locker containing a red keycard. This information will be important for later.

payday 3 boys in blue fingerprint
Starbreeze Studios / dexerto

Search for the right desk to obtain the fingerprints.

To access the evidence room, you will require a fingerprint from an authorized individual. Shade will announce a name, and it is your responsibility to locate the appropriate desk and obtain a copy of their fingerprints. In our trials, the designated person has consistently been Jeramy, but it is uncertain if other names can be chosen.

Locate the employee’s desk and retrieve fingerprints by interacting with an object, such as a mug or a stack of files. After obtaining the fingerprints, return downstairs.

QR Codes and Red Keycard

To access the locker room, a QR code is now required. The room is secured by a scanner, and you can acquire a code by locating phones around the station or by hacking into one from a police officer.

During our testing, we discovered cell phones that had QR codes in two places:

  • Found on desks in the upstairs office
  • Found on a desk in the downstairs office near reception

If you come across a phone, simply interact with it to retrieve the QR code.

payday 3 boys in blue qr code
Starbreeze Studios / dexerto

These cell phones can be found throughout the upper and lower floors.

One can also obtain a QR code by locating a law enforcement officer with a phone attached to their belt. This officer can be found in either the parking area or lower level of the station.

To successfully hack into this phone, you must interact with it while remaining within the circle for the entire duration. It is crucial to avoid stepping out of the circle during the hacking process, as doing so will require you to restart.

After obtaining the QR code, return to the dark corridor that you previously passed through on your way upstairs. This corridor still appears to be under construction and is patrolled by a single guard. Inside, you will come across a locked door equipped with a QR scanner. Use the code to gain entry into the locker room.

payday 3 boys in blue locker room
Starbreeze Studios / dexerto

The correct locker holds the Red Keycard.

In the locker room, there are numerous lockers that are labeled with numbers. The locker that contains the keycard matches the number indicated in the email you discovered earlier on the Captain’s computer. Other lockers may contain additional rewards, such as bundles of money.

Although there are no guards in the locker room, it is important to note that the Lead Guard on higher difficulties may still patrol through this area. As this is a Secure Area, being detected could result in the entire heist becoming loud.

Use the civilians present to replenish your Rush and to unlock the designated locker. After finding the correct locker, retrieve the Red Keycard and exit the room.

payday 3 boys in blue parking lot
Starbreeze Studios / dexerto

It’s worth getting caught once in the parking lot while unmasked. While escorting you out, the guard will leave this gate open, allowing a convenient way to enter and leave the parking lot.

Optional objective: Place the listening devices

At this stage, it would be wise to pursue Boys in Blue’s optional objective if you are interested in doing so. Although completing these objectives does not seem to reward you with additional XP or cash, the pursuit of these goals is solely for the purpose of boasting.

Despite this, if you wish to accomplish the optional objective, here is what you need to do. Shade will request that you install listening devices in three areas connected to the Lieutenant.

  • Bug the Lieutenant’s car
    • The car can be found either in the parking lot or on the street outside the police station. Place the bug underneath the trunk.
  • Bug the Lieutenant’s desk
    • Find the Lieutenant’s office on the upper floor of the station. It’s marked similar to the Captain’s office. There’ll be a spot under his desk to place the bug
  • Bug the Lieutenant’s locker
    • The correct locker number can be learned from his office, and then it’s just a case of finding the right locker in the locker room.

After finishing the optional objective, Shade will be pleased and you can proceed with the remaining part of the heist.

Access the evidence room

Having obtained both the fingerprints and the Red Keycard, the next step is to proceed to the evidence room.

To reach the desired location, you can either return to the main lobby area of the station and pick the lock of the door beside the front desk or go up the stairs to the office. From there, you can quietly make your way across the room to the other side and descend another set of stairs. In both cases, you will end up in a spacious hallway where a guard is on patrol.

The evidence room, which requires the Red Keycard for entry, is situated on the left side of the room. Once the door is unlocked, you can proceed inside.

On lower difficulties, you can expect to encounter a civilian in this area. If you’re not wearing a mask, you can use Grifter Basic and Social Engineering to refresh your Rush and bypass the civilian without any trouble.

At higher difficulties, this NPC is substituted with a guard and a camera will also be present. It is advised to disable the camera and stealthily eliminate the guard in order to progress.

There is a camera further down the hallway, so if you have additional time, make sure to loop and proceed to the locked door. Utilize the fingerprint scanner to open the door and gain entry to the evidence room.

payday 3 boys in blue evidence room
payday 3 boys in blue evidence room
payday 3 boys in blue evidence room

In the evidence room, there are groups of boxes that can be opened for extra loot, but the most valuable item is located in a smaller room at the back, secured behind a locked cage door. Use a lockpick to open the door and obtain the Gold. The escape van will arrive shortly outside, either on the nearby street or behind a fence in the parking lot.

There is an extra level of protection in place to prevent you from transporting the bags on your back through the hallway outside of the evidence room. The use of a pressure plate mechanism ensures that you are unable to leave with the stolen goods.

Alternatively, locate a small opening on the wall adjacent to the gold cage. By pressing the button next to this opening, you can deposit bags inside to retrieve from the opposite side of the wall.

It is advisable to have your teammates gather the bags and bring them to the van if you are playing with a group. Carrying the stolen items on your person will not arouse suspicion from law enforcement or civilians. Additionally, if you are caught trespassing in a restricted area by a security guard, they will simply escort you out.

In order to reach the van while wearing a mask, the most effective route is to exit the evidence room, return to the private area, and exit through the door on the opposite side of the room. This will lead to the parking lot, where the cars can provide cover. Proceed to the back of the parking lot and enter the car garage, which allows for convenient entrance and exit onto the street.

payday 3 boys in blue escape van
Starbreeze Studios / dexerto

The escape van will be located either at the back of the parking lot or on the street.

Whether the escape van is located on the street or in the lot, you will find him in close proximity to law enforcement vehicles. If the van is parked on the street, he will be right outside the garage filled with police cars. However, if it is in the lot, you can find him behind a fence on the far side of the parking lot. Once located, toss the bags into the van to secure them.

Once you have obtained all the necessary gold bags, the escape zone will activate. Ensure that all team members enter the zone near the van and, after a brief countdown, the heist will come to an end. This is the method for successfully completing the stealth Boys in Blue mission in Payday 3.

After successfully sneaking through Boys in Blue, you will be prepared for the release of Payday 3’s upcoming DLC heist, The Land of the Free.

To view a complete list of all the heists available in Payday 3, please refer to the full mission list. Additionally, don’t forget to check out the most lucrative heists for quick earnings and information on the mechanics of the new solo mode.

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