Pizza Hut Introduces Innovative Pizza Box That Serves as a Resume for Your Ideal Job

Looking for a unique way to stand out in today’s competitive job market? Ditch the traditional resume formats and consider this innovative approach from Pizza Hut. The popular pizza chain has launched a one-of-a-kind initiative featuring ResZAmes, a pizza box that serves as your resume, delivered straight to your dream employer’s office.

You read that correctly! Pizza Hut is offering free resume-printed pizza boxes for a limited time to assist job seekers in New York City in landing their ideal positions.

According to the company, September marks a crucial hiring season when many businesses seek fresh talent, prompting Pizza Hut to repurpose their iconic pizza packaging. A study revealed that 75% of resumes are buried in clogged inboxes and often go unread. In contrast, a warm, delectable pizza is hard to overlook.

Pizza Hut resume boxes
Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut wants to help you get a chance at your dream role!

Because nothing screams “Hire me!”quite like a pizza adorned with mozzarella and marinara, here’s how to grab one of these quirky pizza boxes:

  1. Visit to kick off the process. It’s as straightforward as ordering your favorite pizza—this time, you’re also sharing your career goals.
  2. Enter the zip code of the company where you’d like your resume to arrive, ensuring it’s within an eligible New York City delivery zone.
  3. If the company is within the delivery radius, you can upload your resume directly through the online form.
  4. Pizza Hut will evaluate the submissions and select a limited amount of fortunate job seekers. If chosen, your resume will be printed on a customized pizza box and delivered straight to your prospective employer, accompanied by a hot, cheesy pizza.
  5. If selected, your ResZAme pizza box will be dispatched to the headquarters you specified, ensuring a memorable delivery with a cheesy surprise that’s impossible to miss.

This delicious opportunity to distinguish yourself runs from September 17th to September 22nd.

While promoting these creative new pizza boxes, Melissa Friebe, Pizza Hut’s Chief Marketing Officer, stated, “We aimed to assist our customers in breaking through the noise during this pivotal hiring season.”

She added, “Who could ignore a resume when it’s presented in a pizza box along with a real pizza? It combines the thrill of surprise with delectability, ensuring that applicants make a lasting impact.”

This isn’t Pizza Hut’s only unconventional pizza box design; they previously created one that transforms into a table for moving season.


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