Star Ocean: The Second Story R – Best Combat Skills

Combat Skills are crucial in Star Ocean: The Second Story R to make sure that each character has a chance to stay alive in combat. Each Combat Skill upgrades a different type of reaction or stat in battle.

In order to create the best possible party in the Star Ocean 2 remake, players will need to not only get the right balance of character types but also a good mix of these very important skills. The best of these skills varies depending on the type of character that players are building, but each is worth diving deeper into.

All Combat Skills in Star Ocean: The Second Story R

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There is a grand total of fourteen Combat Skills in Square Enix‘s Star Ocean: The Second Story R, and each one has a total of ten levels. While not all these skills are available at the beginning of the game, all are unlocked before Claude or Rena progresses too far into the story. They are:

  • Guardbreak: Randomly ignores an enemy’s defense when attacking.
  • Feint: Randomly guarantees attack to land, regardless of hit accuracy.
  • Power Burst: Randomly boosts attack power.
  • Qigong: Randomly boosts defense.
  • Body Control: Reduces daze time.
  • Sidestep: Randomly evades enemy attacks.
  • Godspeed: Increases movement speed with each level. Randomly teleports a character into an attack position.
  • Hasten Speech: Cuts casting time for spells.
  • Trance: Randomly increases spell damage.
  • Concentration: Randomly prevents incantation from being interrupted by enemy attacks.
  • Interrupt: If casting at the same time as an enemy and the enemy’s spell would go off first, there is a chance the caster’s spell will interrupt theirs.
  • Backstab: Randomly teleports a character right behind the enemy.
  • Breaker: Grants a chance of doing increased damage to the enemy’s shield.
  • Accumulation Aid: Grants a chance that a small amount of bonus spheres will remain when the bonus gauge resets.

Best Combat Skills in Star Ocean 2 Remake

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Combat Skills are a subsection of the many skills players can get in Star Ocean: The Second Story R. By far the best Combat Skill in Star Ocean: The Second Story R is Qigong. Considering that the AI-driven members of the party will never seem to properly parry, it’s necessary to build up their defenses as high and as quickly as possible. It’s best to dump every single point into this Skill until it is filled up; the other skills won’t be much good if the character isn’t alive to use them.

Druga najważniejsza Umiejętność Walki zależy od rodzaju postaci, która jej używa. W przypadku rzucających drugą najlepszą umiejętnością jest Przyspieszenie mowy, ale w przypadku fizycznych postaci DPS drugą w kolejności będzie Przełamanie gardy aby pomóc w przełamywaniu ataków przez dowolną obronę.

Jeśli gracze chcą w pełni wykorzystać swoje rzucanie postaci DPS jak Celine czy Rena nad , oto umiejętności bojowe, które najlepiej opanować w kolejności:

  1. Qigong
  2. Przyspieszenie mowy
  3. Krok w bok
  4. Stężenie
  5. Życzenia powodzenia
  6. Trans
  7. Przerywać

A oto ta sama lista, ale dla fizycznych postaci DPS, takich jak Dias, Claude czy Chigato:

  1. Qigong
  2. Przełamanie gardy
  3. Krok w bok
  4. Zwód
  5. Wybuch mocy
  6. Życzenia powodzenia
  7. Dźgnięcie w plecy

Star Ocean: The Second Story R jest już dostępny na PC, PS4, PS5 i Switch.

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