Player Completes Ultimate Durge Run in Baldur’s Gate 3 with Over 2000 Corpses

A player of Baldur’s Gate 3 fully embraced the Dark Urge and proudly shared their completed Honor Mode playthrough, surely earning the approval of Bhaal.

The Dark Urge offers players a unique way to experience Baldur’s Gate 3, through a fully customizable Origin character with a dark and riveting storyline. Beginning as an amnesiac, players must choose whether to resist their violent urges or succumb to them.

Despite the fact that many have utilized the Dark Urge to convey the ultimate tale of redemption, there are those who have fully embraced its violence. In fact, one player successfully finished what they deemed as the “ultimate”Dark Urge playthrough.

DepriSlimey, a user on the BG3 subreddit, revealed that they were able to achieve the ultimate Durge playthrough by completing the entire game in Honor Mode. They eliminated every possible enemy and collected all of the bodies along the way.

Along with the post, there were twelve screenshots displaying the Camp chest of the player filled with corpses and body parts.

I finished the ultimate Durge playthrough, killed everything and I mean everything, and collected over 2000 bodies in Honour Mode. byu/DepriSlimey inBG3

The post sparked a range of reactions, including one top comment that asked, “Quick question: what the f***?”The poster responded by explaining that they have a passion for collecting.

Some people were also upset by the fact that even innocent cats were not spared by this Durge. “YOU MONSTER. NOT THE KITTIES,”shouted one commenter.

Despite this, there were some who praised the player’s commitment, with one individual even stating, “Bhaal, God of Murder, would be proud,”highlighting the player’s dedication.

DepriSlimey responded menacingly, “I’ll be going after him next.”

Although it is not possible to directly send dead bodies to Camp, commenters provided a solution to this limitation by suggesting to place the corpses in a container (such as a barrel or chest) and then send the container to Camp.

Regarding the actual run, the poster mentioned that it took approximately 150 hours to finish with a companion and described the game as being “buggy as hell.”Perhaps this was due to the fact that the title was not designed to handle so many corpses in a single location.

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