Players Plead with Valve for a Fix as Deadlock Cheating Increases

Following the trend of other popular competitive games, Deadlock has already been infiltrated by cheaters, and players are relying on Valve to effectively handle this problematic issue.

As the Closed Alpha continues and more players gain access, there has been an increase in complaints regarding rage quitting, cheating, and overall toxic behavior among participants. These issues have been exacerbated by the release of a video on September 4, which seemingly displays the use of aimbot software.

The 40-second video depicts skilled sniper Vindicta engaging in numerous confrontations with flawless mechanical precision, consistently hitting the heads of multiple minions with ease.

The video was originally shared by a Reddit user, who reported encountering the specific Vindicta mentioned, “even with a relatively low number of total games played.”

Although there may be other matchmaking ratings (MMR) in use, the only one currently known to be utilized in Deadlock is hero-based. According to Valve, the existing version of the system is undergoing a “full rewrite”as it has been deemed ineffective.

In an ideal situation, cheaters would not be found at any level of skill. Players are optimistic that the problem will be addressed and improved in the near future. One response expressed disappointment at the number of cheaters appearing, but noted that this is not unexpected due to the ongoing issues with Counter-Strike 2 and Team Fortress 2. The hope is that Valve will prioritize improving their anti-cheat methods.

According to another individual, Valve’s games are plagued with cheating problems. It is imperative for the company to prioritize implementing a solid anti-cheat system across all their games.

Despite doubts that Deadlock would avoid the same destiny as other competitive titles, one individual stated, “I have no doubt that this game will be overrun with cheaters just like Counter-Strike matchmaking. It’s unfortunate, but it’s bound to happen.”

Currently, it is advisable to report any individuals who may be cheating on Deadlock’s official Discord server, which can be accessed in-game.

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