Players Pray for Changes to Destiny 2 GM Nightfall Power Cap

The inclusion of Grandmaster Nightfalls in The Final Shape has sparked considerable conversation within the community, with numerous individuals dissatisfied with the necessary Power level needed for optimal participation and achievement.

On Reddit, a skilled player who frequently completes GM Nightfalls expressed frustration with the current minimum Power level requirement for the activity.

Grandmaster Nightfalls returning highlight just how totally stupid the power cap changes for them are byu/AdonnisTheGod inDestinyTheGame

Some of the dissatisfaction stems from the overall direction of the game leading up to The Final Shape. The current 2020 power cap has been perceived as a significant step backwards, with many feeling that it has made the game more accessible than ever before.

The addition of Prismatic has further complicated the issue, resulting in the emergence of impressively powerful new builds. While this may alleviate some of the challenges in achieving an appropriate Power level, it is still a difficult ascent.

It is widely believed that the current arbitrary limitations represent a bygone era in Destiny’s past. As one individual expressed, “I have long been in favor of completely eliminating Light levels. They don’t even need to be replaced; just remove them entirely. It’s not enjoyable to constantly grind for a number that determines whether I can partake in an activity or not. This becomes even more frustrating when I could easily do the same activity just a season ago.”

The Mad Warden Nightfall boss

“Another person argued, “In order to have a true grind, there needs to be an incentive. Simply chasing a higher number for the sake of being able to access activities that were already available is not a fulfilling experience.”

One person pointed out that the beliefs of highly committed players in the game may not be in line with the majority of the community. They recalled Datto expressing disappointment that he could no longer raid with his friends due to the Power cap not increasing. The person stated that if the only reason for their friendship was to raise a random number, then perhaps their friendship was not as strong as they believed.

Bungie has made no indication that any adjustments will be made to Power levels in the near future, and it is highly likely that the system will remain unchanged for the three Episodes planned for this year.

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