Pledis’ Visual Director Resigns Over Exhaustion, Harassment: ‘They Don’t Understand Anything About It’

The visual director at Pledis Entertainment has officially resigned from the company after a two-year tenure. In their announcement, they cited exhaustion as the reason for stepping down and expressed their desire to take a break before pursuing freelance opportunities.

Pledis Ex-Visual Director
Pledis Ex-Visual Director (Photo : pannchoa)

“I arrived in the United States after resigning from Pledis after two years of working there. Because I’m physically and mentally tired, I’ll take a break and plan to work as a freelancer. Thank you to all the staff, teams, and members who worked with me for the past 2 years, I’ll support you, I’m unemployed!!”

The visual director conveyed appreciation to their previous colleagues at Pledis, underscoring the strong bonds they had developed during their time there.

Additionally, the announcement emphasized the importance of understanding and respect, as they disclosed experiencing unjust harassment and malicious comments from online users due to misconceptions about their responsibilities.

“I am a creator who does both the planning and creation of the visuals. I’m not involved with the members’ units or content. I didn’t have the time or energy to do that. So please stop sending me unpleasant comments or swears in my DMs or comments every day. This is a warning.”

The previous visual director at Pledis clarified their duties, specifying that their role primarily consisted of conceptualizing and producing visuals, and they were not involved in the production or content of the members’ units.

They implored their supporters to stop sending negative remarks and engaging in harassment, emphasizing the negative impact it had on their mental and emotional health.

Many supporters expressed their sympathy for the former employee and condemned the actions of certain fans who harass employees for perceived grievances, in response to the post.

The overwhelming display of support brings attention to the difficulties that entertainment industry professionals encounter, particularly those who work behind the scenes.

The departure has ignited conversations regarding the manner in which entertainment employees are treated and the effects of cyberbullying.

It serves as a poignant reminder of the significance of treating all individuals with respect and understanding, regardless of their role within the industry.

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