Pokemon Fans Struggle with Applying Laws of Physics to Ditto

Pokemon enthusiasts have sparked controversy over Ditto’s unusual Pokedex entry. The shape-shifting pink blob is well-known for its ability to imitate other Pokemon and even humans, but the question remains: how does it do so?

Despite Occam’s razor suggesting that Pokemon is simply a fictional creation and therefore not bound by the laws of physics, this explanation may be seen as uninteresting.

The question has also been raised to the community of Reddit, resulting in numerous responses from users attempting to use scientific reasoning to explain Ditto’s unique characteristic.

The academic discussion begins when one user poses a question about how Ditto, a 4kg Jell-O with facial features, can transform into a 400kg Steelix. This sparks a debate, with accompanying explanations about the law of conservation of mass.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Shiny Ditto
The Pokemon Company

Hiding the mysteries of the universe?

One theory suggests that Ditto’s HP remains constant because it imitates its opponent, but this is quickly disproven by another theory. The latter argues that while Ditto’s mass does not change, its weight does. This is necessary for weight-based moves like Low Kick, Grass Knot, and Heavy Slam, thus resulting in a change in mass.

One theory suggests that the key to unlocking the full potential of PP (Power Points) Pokemon in the mainline series lies in their ability to perform attacks.

“PP is a source of energy stored within a Pokemon’s body that can be utilized to produce various effects. This is the source of the additional mass. The PP is directly converted into this mass. This is also where water Pokemon derive their abundance of liquid ammunition from the ocean.”

While the reasoning is sound, it should be noted that an immense amount of energy is required to transform it into matter. Unless Ditto possesses the power of a thousand suns within its pliable body, this possibility is also off the table.

Ditto will always remain a mysterious being that feeble human minds cannot comprehend. It is important to come to terms with the fact that certain mysteries will always remain unexplained.

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