Pokemon Go Buddies: Glaring Bug Causes Hilarious Reactions from Players

Players of Pokemon Go are both puzzled and entertained by an odd glitch that is causing Buzzwole to appear with their selected Buddy.

Several users on the game’s subreddit have shared similar images of their Buddy screen with an unexpected guest, the Ultra Beast, due to the latest Pokemon Go glitch.

One user clarified in a post, which included a screenshot of a Buzzwole towering over their Servine, that they do not possess a Buzzwole and have also not encountered one.

Did my servine made a friend or smt? byu/NonokoDotExe inpokemongo

Interestingly, in response to the poster’s question “i assume it’s a bug?”, another user cleverly pointed out “Buzzwole is indeed a bug,”alluding to the fact that the creature has a dual Bug/Fighting typing.

Other players also experienced this literal and technical bug, not just them. Another person, who shared their experience on Reddit and described it as their “best glitch ever,”also reported that Buzzwole will appear alongside their Buddy in the overworld. However, the size of the Pokémon is significantly reduced, making the 7′ 10″ giant appear as if it is riding on Jolteon’s back.

My best glitch ever byu/kyokiokami inpokemongo

Another poster, who had also never encountered a Buzzwole in the game before, posted pictures of the Ultra Beast alongside their Galarian Farfetch’d, questioning: “Why did my duck bring home a boyfriend…?”

Upon receiving a comment, the user was able to verify that Buzzwole does indeed appear when utilizing Pokemon Go’s augmented reality capabilities, and this time it is displayed at its regular size.

Comment byu/orloffel_ from discussion inpokemongo

The reason for Buzzwole frequently appearing next to numerous Buddies is uncertain, especially for trainers who do not possess this Pokemon. This is not the first instance of a glitch of this nature happening.

Previously, there have been instances where a player claimed to have a Shiny Mewtwo riding on a Shiny Dunsparce (despite not owning one) and a strange combination of Luvdisc and Machamp.

Thankfully, this bug of the Bug-type variety does not seem to have any adverse effects on gameplay, and instead, players find it more entertaining than anything else.

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