Pokemon Go: Devs Tease Return of the Most Powerful Attack Legendary Ever

A recent image on the Google Play Store suggests that one of the most powerful Legendary attacks in Pokemon Go could potentially make a return to the game.

Every month, the developers of Pokemon Go, Niantic, publish a fresh batch of Research Tasks, which consist of various challenges that players must accomplish in order to obtain exclusive rewards, rare Pokemon, and valuable resources.

In addition to conducting general research, Pokemon Go frequently hosts themed events. In May 2024, players will have the opportunity to obtain a rare Master Ball through the Catching Wonders: Masterwork Research event.

Players have started to speculate that a Legendary Pokemon may be the focal point in the upcoming month.

A new photo of Pokemon Go on the Google Play Store has been spotted by a Reddit user, teasing the arrival of Mega Rayquaza.

New Mega Rayquaza Teaser. June Raid Day? byu/Fillain inTheSilphRoad

“Filain shared that they came across this image on the Google Play Store, which suggests that Mega Rayquaza may be available for the June 29 raid.”

First appearing in Generation III, Rayquaza is a Legendary Pokemon known for its flying and dragon-type abilities. With its focus on attack, Mega Rayquaza offers a distinct play style unlike any other.

As a result, the Mega is frequently praised by players as one of the top attackers in Pokemon Go due to its quickness and lethal aerial abilities.

In the end, if Niantic is offering a Master Ball for players to obtain, it is likely that a challenging Pokemon will be introduced.

When it comes to catching Legendary Pokemon, especially a Mega one, it is always a difficult and daunting task to capture them in a Poke ball. If Mega Rayquaza does make an appearance in the upcoming June raid in Pokemon Go, be sure to have a Master Ball prepared and ready to use.

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