Niantic has officially announced that the highly anticipated Pokemon Go Fest will be returning in late May, with Sendai, Madrid, and New York being chosen as the host cities. Attendees can expect to encounter new Pokemon, unlock Fusion forms for Necrozma, and earn exciting rewards during the event.
The largest event for Pokemon Go will bring together players from across the globe to participate in exciting adventures as a united community in three different cities. The finale will be a two-day global event held online, allowing individuals from any location to join in the fun.
Table of Contents
- Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid location and dates
- Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid Dawn Wings & Dusk Mane Necrozma
- Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid new Pokemon
- Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid returning Pokemon
- Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid Bonuses
- Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid Research Tasks

The Pokemon Go Fest 2024 will take place in Sendai, Madrid, and New York.
Pokemon Go Fest 2024: Madrid Location and Dates
The next location for the Pokemon Go Fest will be Madrid, with Sendai hosting the previous month and New York the following. The event will be held at the Juan Carlos I Park and will run from June 14, 2024, to June 16, 2024.
Morning at the Park
The Park Experience will take place from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM CEST, followed by the City Experience from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM CEST.
Afternoon Park Experience
The City Experience will take place between the hours of 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM CEST, while the Park Experience will be held from 2:30 PM to 7:00 PM CEST.
Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid: Dawn Wings & Dusk Mane Necrozma
According to Niantic, fans will have the opportunity to access two new forms for Necrozma – Dawn Wings Necrozma and Dusk Mane Necrozma – in Pokemon Go Fest 2024 events, marking the first time that Pokemon Fusion will be available in the game.
To obtain the Fusion Energy, Necrozma Candy, and Cosmog Candy needed to use the Fusion mechanic and access the new forms, players must gather them.
Pokemon Go Fest 2024: New Pokemon Revealed for Madrid Event
The highly anticipated debut of Marshadow, the Mythical Pokemon, will take place during the upcoming Pokemon Go event. The elusive creature is set to appear first in Sendai, Japan, followed by its appearance in Madrid and finally in New York City, US.
To catch one, players must explore the entire park and complete the event-exclusive Special Research, which will ultimately lead to an encounter with Marshadow.
It will only be possible for trainers to catch it once.

Marshadow has one of the most unique typings in Pokemon.
Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid: Returning Pokemon
Throughout the event, rare Pokemon will make appearances in Juan Carlos I Park, with the possibility of encountering Shiny versions of them.
Mysterious Labyrinth Habitat
- Pikachu (Moon Crown)*
- Hisuian Voltorb*
- Lickitung*
- Eevee (Moon Crown)*
- Born*
- Baltoy*
- Beldum*
- Grooming*
- Munna*
- Petyl*
- Ferroseed*
- Espurr*
Rocky Shore Habitat
- Pikachu (Sun Crown)*
- Lapras (Scarf)*
- Eevee (Sun Crown)*
- Chinchou*
- Nosepass*
- Shieldon*
- Throh*
- Tirtouga*
- Amour*
- Crabrawler*
- Dewpider*
- Jangmo-o
Cursed Forest Habitat
- Pikachu (Moon Crown)*
- Toothed*
- Tangela*
- Eevee (Moon Crown)*
- Sableye*
- Cacnea*
- Lunatone*
- Deino*
- Flabébé (Orange Flower)
- Pancham*
- Phantump*
- Oricorio (Baile Style)*
Sunrise Gateway habitat
- Pikachu (Sun Crown)*
- Eevee (Sun Crown)*
- Skarmory*
- Solrock*
- Cherrim (Sunshine Form)
- Bronzor*
- Fletchling*
- Furfrou (Natural Form)*
- Helioptile*
- Tyrant*
- Carbink
- Oricorio (Pa’u Style)*
All habitats
- Unown A*
- Unown D*
- Unown G*
- Unown H*
- Unown I*
- Unown N*
- Unown T*
- Unown Y*
- Unown? *
- Klefki

Players will be able to find the elusive Klefki during the event.
All Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid Bonuses
Every ticketed trainer will be eligible to receive Madrid bonuses between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM on their designated day, regardless of their location within the city.
- During the event, eggs placed in incubators will have a reduced hatch distance of 1/2.
- The activated Lure Modules will remain active for two hours.
- These are 7 km Eggs that are special.
- You are allowed to make up to 6 Special Trades on your ticket at any time of the day, regardless of your location in Madrid.
- The cost of Stardust for Trades has been decreased.
- It is possible to obtain up to 9 extra free Raid Passes by spinning the Photo Discs at Gyms.
- Receive twice the amount of Catch Candy.
- Receive 1.5 times the amount of Hatch Candy.
- Increase the Hatch Stardust by 1.5 times.
Furthermore, winners of the Ultra Beast Raid Battle will have the opportunity to encounter Shiny Pheromosa, as it makes its first appearance during the Madrid event.
Will there be Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Madrid Research Tasks?
As is typical with the Pokemon Go Fest, we can anticipate Research Tasks for the Madrid takeover. Additionally, every ticket holder will receive a Special Research Task that leads to a Marshadow encounter.
If there are any further developments concerning the event, we will update this article accordingly. Please check back soon for the latest information.
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