Receiving a Medal or achievement in a Pokemon game should be a thrilling experience, yet it often feels like a wasted opportunity in Pokemon Go.
While there has been some controversy surrounding the Pokemon Go avatars, the game still has many appealing features. These include exciting events, various gameplay options, and a wide selection of Pokemon from beloved generations to catch and collect.
The Medal system is one aspect of Pokemon Go that could be made more thrilling. Those who have played the game before are likely familiar with these medals, such as the Gold Scientist Medal which features a unique design in the center and is earned by evolving 200 Pokemon.
Certain Medals increase players’ catch bonus for certain Pokemon types, while others grant access to new items in the shop. With a few exceptions, these items are not automatically awarded, but the player gains the ability to purchase them with coins.
In addition, there is little else to mention about Medals in Pokemon Go. While some Medals may demand a significant amount of dedication, such as the Platinum Best Buddy Medal that requires 200 Best Buddy Pokemon, there is no reward for reaching this achievement.
While it may seem overwhelming to have an exciting reward for every single Medal in the game, it is fair to acknowledge that not all Medals in Pokemon Go are currently worth the effort. For example, players may question the need to chase the Platinum Best Buddy Medal as it does not offer any significant benefits to their gameplay experience.
This particular subject was brought up in a recent discussion among fans on Reddit, where players discussed potential improvements to Medals. Most Pokemon Go players seemed to be in agreement that certain Medals were not worth pursuing.
An idea that caught attention was the implementation of cosmetic titles. Earning the Bug Catcher Medal would grant players the ability to equip the title “Bug Catcher”and display it alongside their character name. Additional suggestions included increased Shiny odds for Medals specific to certain types and the addition of captivating animations.
It remains uncertain if this modification will ever be implemented in the game, however it could serve as a fantastic method to motivate players to strive for the more challenging achievements. The incentives do not necessarily have to be substantial, but rather just slightly more significant than the current Medal interface in the game.
The Pokemon Go team has shown a willingness to take community feedback into consideration regarding topics such as this, so it will be intriguing to observe if there are any changes made to the Medals in the game’s future.
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