Pokemon Go: Mega Lucario Rewards

Pokemon Go players who took part in the Mega Lucario Raids on July 27 and 28 have asked Niantic to implement a popular change introduced during the event as a permanent feature in the game.

To celebrate Mega Lucario’s introduction, the developer significantly increased the accessibility of Rare Candy XL compared to its usual difficulty level.

The means to level up Pokemon beyond the initial cap of level 40 to 50 has faced criticism in the past for being excessively challenging to acquire in large amounts.

During the temporary event for the mobile game, players who bought a Ticket were assured of receiving one Rare Candy XL for every Lucario they caught, with a possibility of obtaining additional ones.

One user expressed their wish on Reddit for the continued inclusion of Rare Candy XL from captured Raid bosses in future special Raid events. They stated, “This should become the standard for special events.”

Despite their caught Lucario having no worthwhile IVs, the thread’s author still expressed extreme satisfaction with the event, stating that their Passes were not just wasted lottery tickets.

“They continued, expressing their gratitude for such a dependable guarantee of satisfaction.”

Pokemon Go Candy XL Cover
The Pokemon Company/Niantic

Rare Candy XL is a scarce commodity players want to see be made more readily available.

Some others also shared the same sentiment. One person responded, “The Rare XL for catching was great.”They also added, “In a world where XLs are necessary for PvP, the availability for completing the Raid should be a standard.”

Some players suggested that Niantic should make the increased rates the standard for all Raids instead of only during special events. This sparked others to express similar views.

“Even though I have been raiding daily for almost four years, I only have 190 Rare Candy XL. It is clear that we should be receiving at least five Rare Candy XL per day by now,”another individual commented.

It is still uncertain if the calls for change will be heeded. However, in the interim, you can refer to our dedicated guide to discover the most effective ways to obtain Rare Candy XL.

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