Pokémon Go Player Strangely Celebrates Super League Loss

Pokémon Go Player Strangely Celebrates Super League Loss

Pokémon Go ‘s Battle League is often dominated by a select few Pokémon, but this player’s experience in the Super League shows why you shouldn’t be afraid to innovate.

One Pokémon Go player’s story about a recent Super League experience makes a compelling argument for building interesting teams rather than the most competitive ones.

As shared by Reddit user fraggle_captain, they recently faced an opponent with a Meowstic, Bombirdier, and Avaltout in the Super League. These Pokémon aren’t considered the best options for the format, but according to the poster, it helped the experience.

“It was fantastic because I had absolutely no idea what charged attacks to expect,” they explained.

Considering that Pokémon Go’s battle mechanics are pretty simple and the movesets are limited, it’s pretty easy to predict what your opponent is going to do once they dispatch their Pokémon. However, an unexpected team like this might surprise you.

“Who knew Mistigrix (a psychic cat) had a charged plant-type attack?” the player said, revealing that Mistigrix had easily defeated their Laggron. “It made things a lot more fun when I didn’t know what was coming next instead of constantly seeing the same 10-15 Pokémon.”

Even though the player was defeated, he admitted, “The defeat didn’t bother me at all because I think I had a smile on my face during the whole fight!”

The story led other players to lament that Pokémon Go’s Super League experience was often marred by repetitive teams and move sets. “Hyper League is no longer fun because of Cressilia and Giratina,” one commenter said.

While some Pokémon and moves are clearly better suited to battles than others, this story makes it clear that the “ideal”team isn’t always the best option. In fact, surprising your opponents with an unexpected Pokémon or move could be the key to victory.

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