While catching the Galarian Birds in Pokemon Go can appear to be extremely challenging, a convenient feature in the mobile game allows you to obtain these elusive Legendaries with ease.
Pokemon Go players are constantly searching for the Legendary trio of the Galarian Birds using Daily Adventure Incense and they do not give up until they catch these elusive Pokemon, despite their low catch rate of only 0.3%.
Despite the best efforts of most trainers, it is a common struggle to catch elusive Pokemon, often resulting in the use of a Master Ball. However, a Reddit user by the name of ‘AussieRustles’ shared a post on the platform revealing a simple method for easily obtaining these highly sought-after creatures.
The OP proudly displayed a Galarian Zapdos that was caught using only their Pokemon Go Plus+, without the aid of a Master Ball or Golden Razz Berry, and even with just a Nice Throw. Other trainers applauded the OP and teased that they were unable to achieve the same feat, despite using a Golden Razz Berry and making an Excellent Throw.
A player confirmed the effectiveness of the Go Plus+ trick after successfully catching a Galarian Moltres using the same method. They shared, “I also started using incense on my way home while using my autocatcher (Go Plus+) after hearing someone else caught a Zapdos that way.”
“Furthermore, one player expressed their appreciation for the autocatcher feature, saying “I love that my autocatcher is able to catch the occasional shiny for me and makes collecting candy less tedious.”This sparked another player to mention the value of the Go Plus+, stating that it automatically catches rare Pokemon such as legendaries, perfect IVs, and shiny variants.”
When certain fans expressed uncertainty about whether the device could capture species not listed in the Pokdex, the original poster clarified by stating, “The Go Plus+ will toss a ball at any creature within its range.”
Despite the praise from users for its effectiveness in catching the Galarian Birds and other rare creatures, it is important to note that the Pokemon Go Plus+ has a price tag of approximately 52 USD and is considered a safe option.
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