Pokémon Go players encounter an unexpected problem with Chelours

Pokémon Go players encounter an unexpected problem with Chelours

Pokémon Go players are unhappy with their inability to use Chelours after Niantic was forced to ban the 7th generation Pokémon of all PvP modes following an incredible oversight.

Pokémon Go’s PvP meta is constantly evolving as Niantic introduces new Pokémon and attacks, which play a huge role in what’s considered high-end.

An example of this is Archaeduc who recently obtained Vegetable Attack as a new attack, greatly improving his usefulness in PvE but not making not much for its viability in PvP. Multiplayer battles require unique attack sets that differ completely from PvE.

Niantic may have a good reason for not giving Archduke anything too strong, as an oversight with another average Pokémon led to Chelours being universally banned.

Chelours is still banned in Pokémon Go due to its broken attack set

Confused by their inability to select the Strong Arm Pokémon, a trainer asked on Reddit, “Is Chelours banned from PvP?”

Is Bewear banned from pvp? byu/__MR__ inpokemongo

Further explaining why they felt the need to ask this question, the post continues, “I cannot add him to ANY team I make, no matter the league. I’m looking for name, number, evolutionary line, etc. I CANNOT make it appear, and therefore add it to anything. Am I crazy?”

The most popular comment revealed why Chelours is currently banned in PvP, “Yes. Niantic somehow goofed up during December Community Day and accidentally gave Chelours Helping Hands as a Quick Attack for an hour or two in New Zealand.”

Coup d’Main is a Fighting-type attack with 50 base damage that Chelours usually learns as a Charged Attack via an elite TM. It compensates for its lower base damage by increasing the user’s Defense each time it is used. While not spectacular as a Charged Attack, Coup d’Main becomes an absurdly powerful Quick Attack.

Others expressed frustration with the decision to ban Chelours, responding, “It took me forever to get enough candy to evolve my Teddy Bear for PvP, only to find out I couldn’t. select for my fight. What a damn Niantic,” and “Of course it is, because I have a 0/15/15.”

Niantic has yet to provide an expected date for when the Chelours ban will be lifted, so all trainers can do at the moment is use another Pokémon for their PvP lineup.

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