Pokémon Go players mock other trainers’ choices

Pokémon Go players are lashing out at the game’s “low levels” that lead weak Pokémon to Raids.

In Pokémon Go, players can group together to take on big, tough opponents in the game’s many Raids, with each Raid having varying difficulties.

For high difficulty Raids, people are generally expected to bring their most powerful creatures to help quickly finish the fight everyone is facing.

However, this is not always the case, and many veteran players complain about this on social media.

Pokémon Go veterans hate this approach to Raids

The situation was addressed in a post on the Pokémon GO subreddit, in a post titled: “Who brings a Cerfrousse to a 5* raid?”

Who brings Stantler to a 5* raid? byu/PokeDork802 inpokemongo

The post contains a screenshot that shows a Cerfrousse standing among players’ Pokémon battling a large boss.

Cerfrousse is a rather mundane option that is not the first choice for most veteran players when facing a Raid of this difficulty.

In response, the community points the finger at lower level players, nicknamed “low levels” , who do not know how to do better.

“The low levels, I mean they’re often there just to accompany.”

Some even came to the player’s defense, with one user saying: “Ranged companions and raiders are always welcome when my group of friends raid – no matter their level or what Pokémon they bring.”

Others point the finger at the author of the post himself for making a poor choice in his own Pokémon: “Dude, you brought a Gyarados, don’t you have any ice types?”

One user had a much more succinct response to the post, with a simple: “Shut up, geek.”

It’s unclear whether the Raid was successful, but it’s clear that some Pokémon Go players are criticizing others’ choices in battles.

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