Pokemon Go players rejoice as six-year goal finally achieved

Fans of Pokemon Go were left in disbelief when a player shared their nearly-completed six-year journey, leaving the community stunned by its sheer insanity.

On July 28, all five stamps were successfully obtained and a screenshot of the current Field Research progress was posted on Reddit with the caption “6/7, just one more year!”

The first completed Field Research task each day is the only one that counts towards the weekly reward. Any other objectives completed after the first will still provide rewards, but will not count towards earning a stamp.

Obtaining six consecutive stamps with the same date signifies that the committed PoGo player has only finished one quest per year for the past six years.

6/7, just one more year! byu/IceT77 inpokemongo

Naturally, reactions were stunned by the remarkable yet ultimately pointless accomplishment, with one individual exclaiming, “Wow, that’s crazy. Strange way to show off but still pretty neat,”while another acknowledged they could never “have the discipline to wait a full year between tasks.”

“One trainer remarked, “I haven’t seen such a strong dedication to insanity in a while,”while some noted the missed opportunities for rewards that the player would have had if they hadn’t committed to the bit by saying, “You missed out on several years worth of Legendaries, dude.”

Fortunately, the author of the thread was not overly concerned about FOMO. In fact, they even mentioned, “It definitely helps that I am no longer an active player,”and went on to say that they have set an alarm for the past six years to remind themselves to log in and collect a stamp.

Assuming their phone is not in silent mode, the meme will complete its cycle on July 28, 2025. The ultimate objective of this strange challenge? “Receiving the reward next year and then aiming for February 29 afterwards.”

If they successfully accomplish that, be sure to set a reminder for yourself to check Reddit in 2048.

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