Pokemon Go players tempt trainer to open mysterious 2016 Egg

Pokemon trainers are constantly on the lookout for rare and uncommon creatures in Pokemon Go. This particular trainer possesses a few of these unique Pokemon, which can only be obtained by hatching Eggs acquired in 2016.

Players of Pokemon Go who desire to expand their collection with unique creatures have multiple options for obtaining them. These include encountering species in costumes, event-exclusive Pokemon, earning rewards from previous research tasks, and, in this specific scenario: hatching an egg that has been incubating for 8 years.

A trainer has astonished the Pokemon Go Reddit community by revealing two valuable Eggs that they have been holding onto since 2016. They are now questioning whether it would be worthwhile to hatch them.

This is why user ‘Jaceeb00’s collection presents a special chance to hatch previous generation Pokémon. On Reddit, they shared a picture of the eggs and asked, “I haven’t hatched them because I’m concerned they might be worthless, but should I?”

To the surprise of the community, it has been brought to attention that these eggs may harbor species with unique movepools, including attacks that have been removed from that species’ moveset. One player even remarked, “Perhaps you’ll receive one with a move that is no longer learnable.”

Therefore, if you happen to have an Egg like this in your possession, do not hesitate to hatch it. You may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

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