Pokemon Go Reddit Posts Featured in School Books

Pokemon is a widely recognized franchise, with a global presence in TV shows, Animes, games, plushies, and even school textbooks. It’s clear that the brand has a massive following.

Numerous Pokemon enthusiasts aspire to pursue a formal education in the study of Pokemon. While a degree in first-generation Pokemon may not have much practical value in terms of career prospects, it would undoubtedly be a fulfilling and enjoyable academic pursuit, especially for those who already possess a vast understanding of the subject.

Despite the unlikeliness of it, this dream became a reality for one player who generously shared their English textbook on the Pokemon Go subreddit, including comments from other users on the forum.

Hey guys look, you are in my English book byu/justavocomj inpokemongo

“Sharing a photo of their textbook adorned with threads from the r/pokemongo weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread, the poster exclaimed, “Hey guys, you’re all featured in my English book!”

Naturally, fans were both excited and perplexed to discover their comments featured in a textbook. One person even questioned the reasoning behind this decision, stating, “What was the thought process behind this? The topic is quite specific, making it potentially difficult for non-native speakers to understand.”

The book being discussed is designed for Spanish speakers to learn English and has sparked numerous inquiries about the perplexing names of Pokemon, which could potentially create challenges for language acquisition.

Some also supported this viewpoint and added, “This could be extremely challenging for someone who is trying to learn English. It is filled with Pokemon terms and internet slang that may only be understandable in a gaming environment.”

On the other hand, some individuals considered it to be “quite ingenious”due to its utilization of “everyday critical reading abilities with specific terminology,”which could potentially enhance vocabulary and problem-solving abilities while studying the language.

Surprisingly, it appears that the Pokemon Go Reddit threads have a purpose beyond discussing textbooks. According to a user, Reddit has greatly improved their English skills, leading them to remark, “Initially, I disliked it, but Reddit has greatly enhanced my proficiency in English. Perhaps the author had a similar experience.”

The inclusion of Reddit in a learning setting may be unexpected, but it highlights the immense popularity of both the social media platform and Pokemon Go, and the significant influence they can have on education.

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