This guide covers a variety of upcoming changes for the Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Season.
Contents Table
- Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Date and Times
- Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Community Days
- Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Encounters
- Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Seasonal Bonuses
- Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Timed Researches
- Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Battle League Schedule
Upcoming Pokemon GO Event Date and Times
The Shared Skies Season of Pokemon GO will commence on June 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM and will continue until September 3, 2024 at 10:00 AM, based on local time.
What is a Pokemon GO Season?
A Season is a designated time period lasting several months in which wild Pokemon, Egg Pokemon, and even Research Breakthrough Pokemon are slightly modified. In addition, the Pokemon GO Battle League introduces exclusive Leagues during this time. Events, including Community Days, typically adhere to the current Season’s theme.
Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Community Days
The table below presents the confirmed Community Days for the Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Season:
Community Day | Date | Featured Pokemon |
June Community Day | June 9 | Goomy |
June Community Day Classic | June 22 | Cyndaquil |
July Community Day | July 21 | ??? |
August Community Day | August 31 | ??? |
Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Encounters
Available Research Breakthrough Pokemon
The table below displays the Pokemon that you can encounter by completing at least one Field Research task every day for seven consecutive days and receiving a Research Breakthrough:
Research Breakthrough encounter Pokemon | Can it be shiny? |
Hisuian Growlithe | Yes |
Larvitar | Yes |
Cloth | Yes |
Axew | Yes |
Furfrau | Yes |
Jangmo-o | Yes (starting with Pokemon GO Fest 2024) |
Pokemon Encounters in the Wild
Below is a list of only a few of the Pokemon that can be found in certain biomes during Pokemon GO: Shared Skies:
Wild Pokemon | Biome | Can it be shiny? |
Magneto | Cities | No |
Houndour | Cities | Yes |
Ralts | Cities | Yes |
Skitty | Cities | Yes |
Makuhita | Cities | Yes |
Trubbish | Cities | Yes |
Dead | Cities | Yes |
Bellsprout | Forests | Yes |
Ledyba | Forests | Yes |
Sunkern | Forests | Yes |
Linoone | Forests | No |
Breloom | Forests | No |
Skorupi | Forests | Yes |
Foongus | Forests | Yes |
Diglett | Mountains | Yes |
Shuckle | Mountains | Yes |
Slakoth | Mountains | Yes |
Vibrated | Mountains | No |
Excadrill | Mountains | No |
Dwebble | Mountains | Yes |
Bunnelby | Mountains | Yes |
Poliwhirl | Beaches and water | No |
Horsea | Beaches and water | Yes |
Chinchou | Beaches and water | Yes |
You bastards | Beaches and water | Yes |
Finneon | Beaches and water | Yes |
Tympole | Beaches and water | Yes |
Jellicent | Beaches and water | No |
The table below includes only a few of the Pokemon that may be encountered in each hemisphere during Pokemon GO: Shared Skies:
Wild Pokemon | Hemisphere | Can it be shiny? |
Hisuian Growlithe | Northern Hemisphere | Yes |
Skarmory | Northern Hemisphere | Yes |
Treecko | Northern Hemisphere | Yes |
Torchic | Northern Hemisphere | Yes |
Mudkip | Northern Hemisphere | Yes |
Clamperl | Northern Hemisphere | Yes |
Beldum | Northern Hemisphere | Yes |
Scyther | Southern Hemisphere | Yes |
Hisuian Sneasel | Southern Hemisphere | Yes |
Wagon | Southern Hemisphere | Yes |
Turtwig | Southern Hemisphere | Yes |
Chimchar | Southern Hemisphere | Yes |
Piplup | Southern Hemisphere | Yes |
Bronzor | Southern Hemisphere | Yes |
The shiny version of a Pokemon that cannot be found in the wild can still be obtained by evolving its shiny pre-evolution.
Egg Pokemon
The table below displays a selection of the Pokemon that may hatch from Eggs during the Pokemon GO: Shared Skies event:
Egg Pokemon | Egg Distance | Can it be shiny? |
Shellder | 2 km | Yes |
Pichu | 2 km | Yes |
Togepi | 2 km | Yes |
Smoochum | 2 km | Yes |
Woobat | 2 km | Yes |
Giggles | 5 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Cranids | 5 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Shieldon | 5 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Chingling | 5 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Mantyke | 5 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Vanillite | 5 km | Yes |
Cutiefly | 5 km | Yes |
Sprigatite | 5 km | No |
Fuecoco | 5 km | No |
Quaxly | 5 km | No |
Hisuian Growlithe | 7 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Paldean Wooper | 7 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Hisuian Sneasel | 7 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Pawniard | 7 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Carbink | 7 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | No |
Alolan Geodude | 7 km | Yes |
Gallery Slowpoke | 7 km | Yes |
Alolan Grimer | 7 km | Yes |
Galarian Farfetch’d | 7 km | Yes |
Galarian Stunfisk | 7 km | Yes |
Emolga | 10 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Deino | 10 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Goomy | 10 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Rockruff | 10 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Turtonator | 10 km (Adventure Sync Reward) | Yes |
Tyrant | 10 km | Yes |
Amour | 10 km | Yes |
Goomy | 10 km | Yes |
Carbink | 10 km | No |
Charcadet | 10 km | No |
Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Seasonal Bonuses
Pokemon GO: Shared Skies will include the following bonuses:
- You are allowed to make an additional Special Trade every day.
- You will receive additional XP for catching your first Pokémon of the day.
- If your Trainer level is 31 or above, your chances of receiving Candy XL while exploring with your buddy Pokemon will be higher.
Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Timed Researches
During Pokemon GO: Shared Skies, all Trainers will have access to a free monthly Timed Research. The specific tasks and rewards for these Timed Researches are currently unknown.
Pokemon GO: Shared Skies Battle League Schedule
The timeline below displays the schedule for all of the Pokemon GO Battle League formats in Pokemon GO: Shared Skies.
Dates | Leagues | Additional information |
June 1 – June 7 | Great LeagueUltra Premier League | – |
June 7 – June 14 | Ultra LeagueSummer Cup: Great League Edition | – |
June 14 – June 21 | Master LeagueSummer Cup: Great League Edition | 4x Stardust from win rewards (not end-of-set rewards) |
June 21 – June 28 | Great LeagueUltra LeagueMaster League | 4x Stardust from win rewards (not end-of-set rewards) |
June 28 – July 5 | Great LeagueMaster Premier League | – |
July 5 – July 12 | Ultra LeagueGreat League Remix | – |
July 12 – July 19 | Master LeagueGreat League Remix | 4x Stardust from win rewards (not end-of-set rewards) |
July 19 – July 26 | Great LeagueUltra LeagueMaster League | 4x Stardust from win rewards (not end-of-set rewards) |
July 26 – August 2 | Great LeagueFantasy Cup: Great League Edition | – |
August 2 – August 9 | Ultra LeagueFossil Cup: Great League Edition | – |
August 9 – August 16 | Master LeagueFossil Cup: Great League Edition | 4x Stardust from win rewards (not end-of-set rewards) |
August 16 – August 23 | Great LeagueUltra LeagueMaster LeagueCatch Cup: Great League Edition | 4x Stardust from win rewards (not end-of-set rewards) |
August 23 – September 3 | Great LeagueUltra LeagueMaster League | 4x Stardust from win rewards (not end-of-set rewards) |
Despite the exciting prospects that Shared Skies brings for the future of Pokemon GO, it is also a valuable chance to reflect on and fortify your enduring allies such as Victreebel, Salamence, and Incineroar.
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