Pokemon Go shiny Shaymin Masterwork Research grind is easier than you think

Upon further examination, the notorious Shaymin Masterwork Research quest in Pokemon Go is not as difficult as it is often portrayed.

Since 2021, Pokemon Go has introduced a Masterwork Research quest every year that guarantees a shiny Mythical Pokemon catch.

Despite many players already having shiny Mew and Jirachi in their possession, the ongoing Glimmers of Gratitude Masterwork Research still presents the opportunity to obtain a shiny Shaymin as a reward through its seven stages. Although it may appear to be a lengthy and laborious process, the individual tasks in each stage reveal a unique and engaging storyline.

In order to complete the task, players must catch a total of 492 Pokemon from the first four Generations. This requires continuous capturing of different species over the course of several days, along with completing various challenges. However, these challenges primarily test the players’ patience rather than being an arduous grind.

Every day, players dedicate a portion of their time to these activities. By consistently receiving at least one spawn, it is possible to complete the Research in just 10 to 15 minutes of gameplay per day. Although it may seem overwhelming at first, once you get into the groove, the Research becomes an exciting part of your daily routine.

Many trainers have enthusiastically joined the popular Shaymin Research movement and are relishing the tasks, as shown by user ‘StaleUnderwear’ in a recent Reddit post. They were surprised to encounter another challenge of capturing Pokemon for 21 consecutive days after finishing the initial requirement of 21 catches.

“According to a user, playing the game and throwing one ball is all that is required, making it incredibly simple,”another user chimed in, noting that it is even easier than the tasks in the Mew and Jirachi Research which involved catching all Kanto regionals and Kecleon.”

Despite any initial difficulty with the tasks, the last four stages are easy. “The final few pages following the third one appear to be much faster,”a trainer added.

Ultimately, the Masterwork Research quest in Pokemon Go provides a consistent goal every time you play, and the best part is that the challenge is not overly difficult.

One easy trick is to use your mobile device to set reminders for monitoring playing time and completing tasks in order to obtain your shiny Shaymin in Pokemon Go without feeling overwhelmed.

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