Pokemon Go’s Hidden Trick to Follow Disappeared Routes Makes Zygarde Cell Farming Easy

A sharp-eyed Pokemon Go player recently made an intriguing find – locating and tracking previously unavailable Routes on the game map, resulting in an easier Zygarde Cell grinding experience.

Ever since its launch in July 2023, Routes has remained a highly discussed feature in Pokemon Go, as it enables trainers to obtain one of the strongest Pokemon for the Go Battle League, Zygarde.

To obtain all the forms of the coveted Legendary Zygarde, it is necessary to explore multiple Routes and collect its Cells. If the Routes you previously traversed have vanished, you now have the opportunity to retrace and follow them once more.

The discovery of how to follow Routes that are no longer available in the Routes Menu was made by Reddit user ‘MaritoTM96′ and shared by them.

How to follow Routes that are not longer available in the Routes Menu byu/MaritoTM96 inTheSilphRoad

To access the routes you have previously followed, navigate to your profile and scroll down to the Route Badges. Then, select the Followed Routes section. Here, you will find a list of all the routes you have followed. To follow a specific route, simply click on it and select the Follow button.

A number of Pokemon Go trainers expressed their gratitude towards the OP for sharing this useful information, confessing that they were previously unaware of it. By taking new routes, players can enhance their adventure by discovering PokeStop Showcases, spawn points, and potential Raids along the way.

Additionally, it aids in determining the section of the Route where Cells may appear, resulting in a faster collection of the 250 needed to obtain the 50% and 100% forms of Zygarde.

Despite this, some players noted an important aspect to consider. According to one response, the feature does not benefit Routes that have been created but not yet used. However, this is not a major concern as the community is primarily focused on Routes they have already tried.

Despite the time it may take to acquire all Zygarde 100% in Pokemon Go, you can still excel in the Master League with powerhouse Pokemon such as Mewtwo, Togekiss, and Dragonite.

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