Pokemon Players Call for Changes to Pseudo Legendary Classification

Pseudo Legendaries are a captivating group of creatures in the Pokemon universe. Though not as formidable as Mythical or Legendary Pokemon, they are equally beloved and iconic. Pseudos have played a significant role in both the anime and video games.

Pseudo Legendary is a classification used for certain types of Pokemon. To be considered a Pseudo, a Pokemon must fulfill the following qualifications:

  • It must be a fully evolved ‘mon from a 3 stage line
  • Its base stats must total 600
  • It must have a slow experience curve

Many fans believe that their favorite Pokemon should be included in the Pseudo Legendary category, or that the category itself should be altered. This sentiment is especially prevalent with the release of a new game on the horizon.

During a recent fan discussion, someone in the Pokémon community posed the question of which Pocket Monsters should be considered for the Pseudo line-up. The topic came up in response to a post that was shared on Reddit.

What Pokémon deserve to be a pseudo legendary? byu/Nelson_little98 inpokemon

During their discussion, Haxorus was mentioned as an example. They pointed out, “Its stats are suitable and it shares the dragon typing with many other Pokemon. Its appearance is also quite appealing, and while it is not a very common Pokemon, it is not considered extremely rare either.”This suggestion piqued the interest of others who also shared their thoughts.

From the numerous suggestions provided, the most well-liked options that caught attention were Volcarona, Aggron, and Flygon. Arcanine was also thrown into the mix by some. One avid Pokemon player revealed, “To be honest, I used to think Aggron was a Pseudo when I was younger and was surprised when I found out it wasn’t.”

Another person exclaimed, “We need Flygon, and let’s add the bug type while we’re at it. How in the world do we still not have a Bug/Dragon?”Flygon is a frequent topic in discussions like these, especially when fans are advocating for a Mega Evolution for this enigmatic Pokemon.

Despite players sharing their top picks for the coveted title of Pseudo, others have also contributed their opinions on the subject of Pseudo Legendaries.

A player pleaded, “TPC, please give the dragons a break. They should be put in a time-out for their overabundance in the game. Their excessive presence should warrant a decade of minimal new dragon Legendaries or Pseudo-legends.”

To counter the potential Pseudo picks mentioned in the previous post, a recent fan discussion emerged where players expressed their disdain for certain Pseudo Legendaries and argued against their inclusion in the lineup. A fan posed a question to the Pokemon Subreddit, sparking a heated debate among commenters.

Whats the weakest pseudo legendary? byu/gd_user_4466 inpokemon

Among the selection, Goodra was the most frequently chosen among the poor-performing Pseudos. A player remarked, “I believe it’s the only Pseudo that has never had success. Additionally, I believe Hisui is superior to Kalos primarily because of its type.”

After analyzing the reasons behind the overwhelming preference for Goodra among commenters compared to other Pokémon such as Dragonite or Garchomp, one player admitted, “To be honest, I didn’t even know Goodra was considered a Pseudo until I read these comments. That’s how little attention I had paid to it.”

Regardless of whether you believe the Pseudo line-up should be expanded with new Pokemon or if existing ‘mons should be removed from the roster, it is difficult to argue against the fact that Pokemon Legends Z-A presents the ideal opportunity to implement these modifications.

The upcoming game is set to reintroduce the Mega Evolution feature, and there is a possibility of new Pokemon being added to the current Pokedex. This could also serve as an ideal chance to make any desired changes to Pseudo Legendaries.

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