Pokemon Plushie Finally Reveals One of Pokemon’s Longest-Running Mysteries

Pokemon enthusiasts have spent years contemplating the enigma of certain creatures’ appearances, but there is one Gen 1 monster whose face has remained a secret to most for decades.

Several Pokemon use different methods to conceal their true appearance. These methods include Tangela’s face being obscured by vines, Mimikyu’s cloth covering its actual form, and the enigmatic contents hidden within Shedinja’s ominous shell.

Cubone and Marowak are two Pokemon known for their enigmatic appearances, constantly concealed by skulls. These designs harken back to the earlier, more macabre times of the franchise, where death was openly integrated into the storyline instead of being vaguely alluded to or ignored entirely.

Interestingly, Cubone’s actual appearance has been hiding in plain sight all along, but it was only featured in merchandise rather than in the games. This revelation came to light through a post on the Pokemon Reddit, which showcased various products that depicted Cubone’s face, such as a trading card, a picture book, and even an official plush toy that had a detachable skull.

We’ve had Cubone’s real face this entire time, and hardly anyone knew about it byu/Collector55 inpokemon

As one user pointed out, it’s surprising to reflect on how long we’ve been pondering this, only to discover that the answer was right in front of us all along! Another user humorously commented that it resembles a Charmander who has spent too much time in the sun.

A disgruntled user vehemently stated, “I refuse to accept that the plushies are part of the official story as they appear far too ridiculous.”

One user was amazed by Cubone’s surprising musical abilities, exclaiming, “And it plays the flute?!”

The picture book and card were created in the ’90s, when the specifics and trajectory of the Pokemon franchise were still being developed. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find items such as Cubone’s true face featured on lesser-known merchandise.

In contrast, the Cubone plushies have a more modern design, as they were released in 2016 and 2018. This has made Cubone’s face a well-known fact among fans, as it has been approved by The Pokemon Company, despite not being featured in the video games.

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