Possible Changes to MTG’s Reserve List Due to Modern Horizons 3 Release

It was once suggested that MTG’s Reserve List could potentially include a reprint of the highly notorious card, Recurring Nightmare, in Modern Horizons 3. Despite initial discussions among the Wizards’ team, this possibility did not come to fruition, leaving the card to maintain its place on the Reserve List.

Despite being released many years ago, Magic: The Gathering’s top and most valuable classic cards still command a high price due to the Reserve List. This carefully curated list guarantees that these cards will not be reprinted in any future MTG sets, ensuring their worth remains intact among collectors.

Despite the Reserve List remaining unchanged for several years, a recent article titled “Expanding Your Horizons: Energy”published on June 10 revealed that MTG Lead Designer Mark Rosewater disclosed the Magic team’s discussion of reprinting a card from the list in Modern Horizons 3.

Recurring Nightmare has been a source of frustration for MTG players for many years, resulting in its ban from the Commander format. The card’s remarkable strength in proportion to its cost, effortless ability to be reused, potential for endless loops, and ability to avoid destruction all contribute to its reputation as a formidable black mana staple.

Despite generating a lot of excitement among fans, Modern Horizons 3 did not feature a highly sought-after Reserve List card, which would have further fueled the already high levels of anticipation for the set. Recurring Nightmare ultimately did not make an appearance in MH3.

Modern Horizons 3 Nightmare cards

Despite Recurring Nightmare being on the Reserved List and therefore not legal in Modern, the MTG team found a solution. They included Chthonian Nightmare, a modified version of the card, in the Modern Horizons 3 set to fit with the updated Energy theme.

Although the Reserved List is currently unchanged, Wizards has shown a willingness to update the lineup and consider incorporating reserved cards into the Modern format, indicating a potential future change in upcoming sets.

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