Possible Introduction of Story Mode for Legacy Raids in WoW After The War Within Release

World of Warcraft is home to numerous raids from previous eras that players still frequently run in order to obtain transmogs, currency, and mounts. While they may have limited purposes outside of these benefits, their importance may soon increase with the arrival of The War Within.

The upcoming expansion for WoW is expected to bring significant changes to the current content. Among these changes is the introduction of a story mode for the final boss in each tier from The War Within.

The main purpose of including a solo version of the final boss in each raid is to provide a narrative climax for that specific chapter of the game. This allows solo players to fully experience the expansion’s storyline, which they may have previously missed out on.

A player rides a dragon in World of Warcraft: The War Within

During a recent interview with PC Gamer, associate game director Morgan Day stated that this initiative may extend beyond its current scope.

“The addition of ‘Chromie Time’ in Shadowlands allows players to level up by playing previous expansions. The abundance of content in World of Warcraft is frequently discussed, and the team is constantly exploring new ways to utilize it, as evident with the introduction of Remix.”

“We have frequently discussed the idea of completing Wrath of the Lich King Chromie Time and defeating Arthas as the finale of our leveling experience. It would be an amazing accomplishment. Currently, the ending of this experience leaves us feeling a bit confused and uncertain.”

Despite this, the feature will not be available upon the launch of The War Within. Day also mentioned, “However, we will continue to work towards this goal over time, as we implement new features that will enable us to add this tool to our arsenal.”

The overall sentiment surrounding World of Warcraft is currently at its highest in years. The success of Dragonflight has restored trust in many aspects of the game, and The War Within aims to further strengthen this newfound foundation.

With the expansion set to launch on August 22 for those with early access, it won’t be long until we discover its success.

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