Predictions for League of Legends Worlds 2024 Pick’em Challenge

Every year in September, statistical experts from the League of Legends community gather to formulate the ultimate Pick’em predictions. At Twinfinite, we have you covered with our data-driven and impartial League of Legends Worlds 2024 Pick’em predictions.

LoL Worlds 2024 Pick’em Crystal Ball Predictions

You can explore the justifications for each of our League of Legends Worlds 2024 Pick’em predictions below this TLDR. We aimed for objectivity in our analysis, although some aspects, like the champion with the most kills or the Worlds champion, posed a greater challenge than simply identifying the most picked champion.

  • Longest Single Game Duration at Worlds: 45:00 – 49:59
  • How Many Pentakills Will Be at Worlds: 2
  • Which Drake Will Be Killed the Most at Worlds: Cloud
  • How Many Baron Steals Will Be at Worlds: 6-8
  • How Many Reverse Sweeps in BO5s Will Be at Worlds: 0
  • Who Will Be Played in the Most Different Roles at Worlds: Poppy
  • Who Will Be Picked the Most at Worlds: Corki
  • Who Will Be Banned the Most at Worlds: Rumble
  • Who Will Have the Most Total Deaths at Worlds: Leona
  • Who Will Have the Highest Win Rate at Worlds: Rumble
  • Who Will Play the Most Different Champs at Worlds: Keria
  • Who Will Get the Most Kills in a Single Game at Worlds: Aiming
  • Who Will Have the Highest KDA at Worlds: Peyz
  • Who Will Get the Most First Bloods at Worlds: XUN
  • Who Will Get at Least One Pentakill at Worlds: Peyz
  • Which Team From Region With 2 Seeds or Less Will Advance the Furthest at Worlds: GAM Esports
  • Which Team Will Win the Shortest Game at Worlds: Gen.G
  • Which Team Will Have the Most Baron Steals at Worlds: T1
  • Which Team Will Win Worlds: Hanwha Life Esports
  • Which Team Will Play the Most Different Champs at Worlds: T1

Longest Single Game Duration at Worlds: 45:00 – 49:59

Worlds 2024 longest game duration stats
Image Source: Games of Legends
LPL Finals longest game duration stats
Image Source: Games of Legends
LCK Summer 2024 longest game duration stats
Image Source: Games of Legends
LCK Finals 2024 longest game duration stats
Image Source: Games of Legends
Worlds 2022 longest game duration stats
Image Source: Games of Legends

Why do we anticipate the longest game at Worlds 2024 will fall between 45:00-49:59? Recent Worlds events and trends in the most recent LCK/LPL matches indicate that many of the longest games have fallen within this timeframe. With teams now better at snowballing, it’s unlikely that games will extend beyond this duration.

If you’re feeling bold, you could speculate on a game lasting 44:59 or shorter. However, keep in mind that T1 is under pressure this season and won’t concede easily, likely contributing to longer matches particularly against other strong teams like Dplus KIA, LNG, and Weibo.

How Many Pentakills Will Be at Worlds: 2

While Jinx isn’t frequently selected, several champions in the current meta have the potential for Pentakills, including Kai’Sa, Jhin, Smolder, Corki, Tristana, and Zeri. We expect many action-packed games during the Play-Ins, predicting at least one pentakill during that stage. For the Main Event, we’re rooting for the reliable GALA to secure one or, if not him, then Peyz or Viper.

Which Drake Will Be Killed the Most at Worlds: Cloud

Drake appearances are unpredictable. We predict that Cloud or Chemtech will be eliminated most frequently as teams prioritize other objectives, resulting in a slowdown of soul acquisitions. While Infernal or Hextech could be worth considering for their higher soul value, it ultimately comes down to your judgment.

How Many Baron Steals Will Be at Worlds: 6-8

Image Source: Riot Games

Oner ranks among the top Baron stealers worldwide, and we anticipate he will account for a significant portion of our 6-8 estimation. Note that T1’s current struggles mean they will likely play several intense series. Additionally, champions like Maokai, Lillia, and Nidalee are popular choices with the ability to secure successful steals.

How Many Reverse Sweeps in BO5s Will Be at Worlds: 0

Reverse sweeps are uncommon in BO5 series, and we project there will be none in LoL Worlds 2024. As highlighted by stochastic_roaming on Reddit, the likelihood of such an event is under 50%. Given the quality of this year’s rosters, we don’t foresee any team allowing this to happen.

Who Will Be Played in the Most Different Roles at Worlds: Poppy

Poppy from League of Legends
Image Source: Riot Games

Poppy is a versatile flex champion, along with Maokai, Zeri, and Smolder. However, due to her more consistent performance outside the jungle compared to Maokai and higher player engagement than the other flex picks, she is our choice for the champion expected to be played in the most diverse roles at Worlds 2024.

Who Will Be Picked the Most at Worlds: Corki

Corki from League of Legends
Image Source: Riot Games

We predict that Corki will be the most chosen champion, given his relatively low ban priority and his status as a dependable mid-laner with minimal unfavorable matchups. Moreover, virtually all mid-laners entering Worlds have significant experience playing Corki, making him the most selected champion in the LCK/LPL summer splits.

Who Will Be Banned the Most at Worlds: Rumble

Rumble from League of Legends
Image Source: Riot Games

The third Yordle on our list is Rumble, who is frequently banned across most regions due to his exceptional performance in the top lane. The insignificant nerfs he encountered during the Worlds Patch won’t likely affect his ban rate.

Who Will Have the Most Total Deaths at Worlds: Leona

Leona from League of Legends
Image Source: Riot Games

Support champions tend to accumulate the most deaths, and Leona is currently leading this category. While you might consider picking Nautilus or Alistar, they aren’t picked as frequently, and Leona generally is more prone to engage and put herself in fraught situations.

Who Will Have the Highest Win Rate at Worlds: Rumble

Should Rumble be chosen, he will likely have the champ with the highest win rate at Worlds. However, if his ban rate remains high, he may not achieve the minimum of five games required, making jungle options like Maokai, Vi, or Nidalee also strong considerations.

Who Will Play the Most Different Champs at Worlds: Keria

T1 Keria at Worlds 2022
Image Source: LoL Esports

Keria possesses the widest champion pool among support players at Worlds. As mentioned earlier, T1 is expected to play several drawn-out series, ensuring he has more opportunities to select a variety of champions compared to other players. While top laners like Zeus or Kiin might also try new picks, Keria is typically more dependable.

Who Will Get the Most Kills in a Single Game at Worlds: Aiming

Aiming at 2023 Worlds
Image Source: LoL Esports

Aiming has shown remarkable prowess in high-kill games throughout the LCK Summer season, helping Dplus KIA secure their spot in Worlds 2024. Though Peyz is a solid option as well, Gen.G’s kill distribution tends to be more balanced than Dplus KIA’s.

Who Will Have the Highest KDA at Worlds: Peyz

Gen.G Peyz at 2024 MSI
Image Source: LoL Esports

Peyz achieved the highest KDA in the LCK for 2024 and also at MSI 2024, demonstrating his exceptional positioning ability both in team fights and in lane, rarely dying unnecessarily. On the other hand, Chovy is also a noteworthy candidate.

Who Will Get the Most First Bloods at Worlds: XUN

BLG Xun at Worlds 2023
Image Source: LoL Esports

Typically, the players with the most first bloods are junglers. An aggressive playstyle, coupled with a preference for non-tank champions, contributes positively to first blood chances. Therefore, XUN, Kanavi, Tian, and Canyon are all solid contenders. We opted for XUN as he virtually never plays tanks, distinguishing him from other junglers.

Who Will Get at Least One Pentakill at Worlds: Peyz

GALA and Aiming are both notable mentions for potential pentakills, but we believe Peyz is in fine form, having already secured three this season, including one during MSI against BLG. Other ADCs like Viper or JackeyLove are also considerations, but neither of them has attained a pentakill in the current year.

Which Team From Region With 2 Seeds or Less Will Advance the Furthest at Worlds: GAM Esports

GAM players lifting the VCS trophy
Image Source: GAM Esports

GAM Esports is a prominent Vietnamese team that has delivered consistently against teams from smaller regions at Worlds over the years. We fully expect them to maintain this performance in Worlds 2024 as well.

Which Team Will Win the Shortest Game at Worlds: Gen.G

Gen.G roster for Worlds 2024
Image Source: LoL Esports

We believe the team winning the shortest game will likely come from the LCK or LPL regions. Gen.G has been the most dominant team, boasting a 2024 average game time of 30:12. Thus, they are a solid candidate, though you may consider Hanwha or Bilibili if they are more to your liking.

Which Team Will Have the Most Baron Steals at Worlds: T1

T1 roster for Worlds 2024
Image Source: T1

As stated earlier, Oner stands out as one of the most adept Baron stealers in League history. Therefore, we feel confident predicting that the team with the highest number of Baron steals at Worlds 2024 will be T1. Other potential contenders, including Dplus KIA and Weibo, should not be overlooked.

Which Team Will Win Worlds 2024: Hanwha Life Esports

Hanwha Life Esports roster for Worlds 2024
Image Source: Hanwha Life Esports

Predicting the winner of Worlds 2024 can be challenging given the caliber of teams competing. Our current top choices are Hanwha, Gen.G, and Bilibili. Nevertheless, surprises lurk, and teams like Dplus KIA, T1, Top Esports, LNG, Weibo, and G2 are also strong contenders you should consider.

Which Team Will Play the Most Different Champs at Worlds: T1

Although Faker has limited his champion pool recently, his teammates have broadened theirs. Keria, Zeus, and Oner are all experimenting with champions outside their comfort zones and should be ready to surprise their opponents at Worlds. Hence, we believe T1 will have the most diverse champion roster during Worlds 2024.

LoL Worlds 2024 Pick’em Play-In Predictions

  • MDK vs VKE – MDK Wins
  • PSG vs PNG – PSG Wins
  • GAM vs SHG – GAM Wins
  • 100 vs R7 – 100 Wins

That concludes our League of Legends Worlds 2024 Pick’em predictions. We will be updating this article as the Worlds progresses, so be sure to bookmark this page and return once the next round of Pick’em opens.


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