Prolific Twitch psychiatrist Dr. K’s Medical License Reprimanded Over Interactions with Reckful

Prolific Twitch psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia M.D, also known as Dr. K, has faced disciplinary action against his medical license following several livestreams with Byron ‘Reckful’ Bernstein prior to his passing.

As a result of a complaint filed in February 2022, the Board of Registration in Medicine has issued a reprimand to Dr. K’s medical license for his involvement in six livestreamed conversations with Reckful.

The board stated that the doctor and personality’s actions were undermining the public’s confidence in the integrity of the medical profession. As a consequence, his medical license has been reprimanded.

It is important to note that being reprimanded is significantly distinct from having a license revoked. In this instance, no additional measures are being implemented. Dr. K is still able to operate his practice both in-person and online, as well as manage his Healthy Gamer business.

According to a statement from Healthy Gamer, there are no fines, penalties, or limitations that would hinder Dr. K’s ability to practice medicine. Additionally, there are no suspensions, probations, or other restrictions in place.

The board's ruling on Dr.K's complaint.
Board of Registration in Medicine

The board’s ruling on Dr.K’s complaint.

After earning his medical degree in 2014, the 41-year-old made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Dr. K gained recognition as a personality in the streaming community, specifically for his series of interviews with the biggest names in the scene.

Over the years, Dr. K has engaged with a small group of names such as Pokimane, xQc, and Asmongold, speaking with them while thousands watched live. While the conversations may seem therapeutic, Dr. K consistently reminds both guests and viewers that his streams are not a substitute for professional therapy.

Additionally, Dr. K has published numerous videos outlining his meticulous informed consent procedure. Through this process, he explicitly communicates to participants that their discussions on stream are “in no way intended as therapy.”

Despite this, his actions resulted in an official complaint being filed in 2022, specifically regarding his interactions with Reckful before his passing.

Despite being one of the most prominent content creators at the time, Reckful had a total of six on-stream interactions with Dr. K. During these conversations, they delved into topics such as Reckful’s mental well-being, drug habits, and the tragic loss of his brother to suicide. Across multiple hours and various sessions, the two exchanged their thoughts and later continued their discussions outside of the online platform.

Shortly after, on July 2, 2020, Reckful took his own life. In response, Dr. K publicly addressed his death and reiterated that his videos should not be seen as a substitute for professional therapy.

Despite having conversations with Reckful and experiencing his tragic death, Dr. K was still the subject of an official complaint from the Board of Registration in Medicine two years later. Now, two years after the complaint was made, his license has been reprimanded.

The filing emphasized the importance of physicians in the media being mindful of their ethical responsibilities towards patients, the public, and the medical community. The board also reminded Dr. K that his actions could impact the reputation of not only himself, but also his medical colleagues, other healthcare professionals, and affiliated institutions.

Dr K with a Dota players
Instagram: Healthy Gamer

Dr. K has had livestreamed conversations with all manner of content creators and professional gamers.

Dr. K not only created his own personal content, but he also founded the Healthy Gamer company. This company aims to promote mental wellness through coaching, content, and community. Its purpose is to provide resources to a generation that is facing mental health challenges and may not feel understood by traditional resources.

After the board’s reprimand was made public, Healthy Gamer released a detailed statement addressing the situation and their continued partnership with Dr. K.

“Well before the complaint was filed, we had already implemented self-corrective measures to address the most concerning aspects of guest interviews, while still ensuring that there were meaningful discussions about mental health.”

The company has additionally formed a Scientific Advisory Board to provide guidance on policies and procedures related to content, coaching, and other essential operations.

The company reassured that Dr. K’s future involvement with Healthy Gamer will not be impacted by the complaint.

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