Promising Trainee Removed From HYBE After Swift Consequences

The series follows the journey of KATSEYE, an international girl group trained in the K-Pop style, from their casting to their debut.

Before the selection process of “Dream Academy”on the survival show, the formation of KATSEYE had already begun. “Pop Star Academy”focused on the initial training phase where candidates were chosen for “Dream Academy”, as well as showcasing trainees who did not make it to the competition.

Before the start of “Dream Academy,”these trainees were cut from the program without any explanation. However, in Episode 3, it was finally revealed why one trainee was not chosen to continue on.

Dream Academy

During Episode 3, the trainees focused on enhancing their vocal abilities in preparation for an upcoming evaluation. The episode began with project director Missy and Son Sung Deuk expressing their disappointment over an undisclosed issue.

As the episode went on, Missy eventually revealed the drama that had been alluded to earlier. It was revealed that the trainees had been using personal Instagram accounts, which was a clear violation of the NDA and confidentiality agreements they had previously agreed to.

According to a few trainees, these accounts were intended to be kept within their group as a form of communication similar to a chat platform. Adéla clarified that they only shared content with their inner circle of friends.

Missy disclosed that a few of the accounts had followers beyond the trainee group. However, her main concern was a video of a trainee performing an unreleased original song. This posed a problem as it could possibly unveil the sound of the debuting group, diminishing the impact of their official release.

Missy reached out to Naisha, a trainee based in London known for her impressive dancing abilities, to address the issue. It was eventually disclosed that Naisha was the person responsible for posting the video.

Missy clarified that HYBE x Geffen’s decision to remove Naisha from the program was based on her private account having outside followers. Despite Naisha’s insistence and presentation of a screenshot of her followers, Missy maintained that she personally reviewed the account before coming to a decision.

Despite being the only trainee removed from the program, Naisha was immediately eliminated and had to arrange her return to London with limited financial resources. The incident prompted immediate changes for the remaining participants.

A trainee was removed from the HYBE Pop Star Academy, as shown on the Netflix series “Geffen Naisha.”

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