PSG Talon defeat FlyQuest at MSI 2024 with dominant 2-0 victory.

Despite making a significant investment in their League of Legends roster for the 2024 season, FlyQuest only managed to reach the MSI tournament in their first split together. Unfortunately, they were defeated by PSG Talon in the play-ins, resulting in their elimination from the competition.

Despite FlyQuest’s previous victory over PSG Talon at MSI 2024, the team has a well-known reputation for causing upsets in major regions and this was evident once again in their recent matchup. Ultimately, PSG Talon emerged victorious in the crucial match.

Although not as devastating as FlyQuest’s historic loss to T1, this defeat signifies the elimination of the second best LCS team from the tournament. Despite high expectations, the team was unable to deliver.

Therefore, what truly transpired? What was the reason for FlyQuest’s defeat?

During the initial 20 minutes of Game 1, there was little action taking place on the map, with PSG Talon holding a slight advantage. However, Bwipo attempted to turn the tides with his lead just before the 20-minute mark. Unfortunately, his engagement was not well-coordinated with the rest of FlyQuest, as seen in this clip. As a result, they were forced to engage into Azir’s passive tower, which is never an ideal situation.

Despite being an MVP-level jungler, Inspired didn’t have much impact in the game as the LCS team lost Drake Soul and struggled to regain their footing, causing a significant shift in the game.

In Game 2, FlyQuest made an early mistake when Inspired decided to exchange an early Drake for pressure on the top side. This decision could have been the correct one if Inspired was able to gain an advantage. However, the initial gank did not go as planned and FlyQuest ended up overchasing. As a result, they had a difficult start to the game.

Despite their strong start, FlyQuest ultimately crumbled under the pressure. PSG Talon dominated the game, consistently outplaying and outmaneuvering FlyQuest. The match was marked by multiple successful tower dives, lost Drakes, and a complete breakdown in both sidelanes. No part of the game was spared from the brutal defeat, as Jensen and Inspired witnessed their team’s downfall on both sides of the map.

Despite FlyQuest’s valiant efforts, PSG Talon dominated Game 2 with a final kill count of 28 to 5. The disappointment and devastation were evident on the faces of every FlyQuest player as the set came to a close.

Despite this, MSI 2024 marks the elimination of North America’s second seed team. Team Liquid faces a daunting task of improving their performance in the LCS internationally and disproving doubts about the region’s deserving of major region slots.

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