Apex Legends Players Discover Incredible Hidden Animation for Alter

Apex Legends Players Discover Incredible Hidden Animation for Alter

Apex Legends players who utilize Alter recently stumbled upon an unexpected animation that adds a significant amount of personality to her character, a detail that may go unnoticed by many.

In Season 21, Respawn added Alter to the Apex roster, bringing in a Legend who can travel between dimensions and enjoys observing the destruction of different worlds. This is the purpose of her presence in the world that hosts the Apex Games.

Alter’s unpredictable and mischievous nature is evident in her vocal exchanges and interactions with other characters in Apex Legends.

Ever since her debut in May 2024, Respawn has continuously found ways to incorporate some chaos into her character, as players have discovered.

A clip posted by Reddit user octane2fast showcases an intriguing animation that occurs for Alter after she eliminates an opponent. Upon performing a finisher, Alter will proceed to walk forward and gleefully skip for a brief period of time.

“Wow, that one gave me serious chills,”she says to herself as she continues skipping.

Fun Fact, Alter begins skipping after a kill byu/octane2fast inapexlegends

The Alter post on Apex Legends received positive feedback from players, who praised Respawn for their meticulous attention to detail. In the thread, one user specifically mentioned the game’s “great animations”for the newer legends.

Some also praised how effectively the unexpected skipping scene highlights Alter’s untamed nature. “It’s a great way to visually portray the character,”stated one comment.

Another Reddit user also contributed with a similar idea and exclaimed, “That definitely adds a lot of character, holy sh**!”

Apex Legends boasts an abundance of clever animations that reveal the unique personalities of its extensive lineup of playable Legends.

As an illustration, Wraith is infamous for a finger gun animation, but players have discovered that under certain uncommon circumstances, other characters can also perform the finger gun gesture.

For the time being, it appears that only one particular agent of chaos has the ability to skip after a kill.

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