Controversy Surrounding ILLIT’s Alleged Targeting of Choreographer Min Hee-jin and NewJeans

On June 27th, A, the choreographer for ILLIT, shared a message on their Instagram story: “Instead of seeking fame, why don’t we embrace sincerity and the authentic trends influenced by modern life, rather than pretending to be trendy? Let’s prioritize naturalness over forced nostalgia.”

A exclaimed, “After conversing with a friend who has been a backup dancer for three decades and another friend for twenty-seven years, I can no longer contain my frustration. I am exhausted by the constant pressure to conform to the outdated trend promoted by bosses who were born in the ’70s.”

The conversation persisted as A stated, “Even the individual who originally choreographed for Kim Gun-mo 30 years ago expressed his dislike for forced retro.”

instagram A

Despite A not explicitly stating their target, the general consensus among the public was that their mention of “bosses born in the ’70s”and “retro”was directed towards CEO Min (born in 1979) and NewJeans, a brand known for their retro-inspired fashion.

Despite some arguing that A’s remarks were simply a dislike for Y2K and not specifically directed towards NewJeans, other commentators pointed out that retro fashion was popular worldwide. They also suggested that if A wanted to choreograph in a different style, they should consider joining a different company or starting their own.

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In April, CEO Min addressed the issue of ILLIT allegedly copying NewJeans during a press conference. She claimed that after the release of ILLIT’s teaser photos, there was a widespread online sentiment that the group resembled NewJeans. According to her, ILLIT had replicated NewJeans’ entertainment activities, including their hair, makeup, costumes, choreography, photos, videos, and event appearances. She also mentioned that ILLIT was being referred to as “Min Hee-jin style”, “Min Hee-jin type”, and “a copy of NewJeans”.

On June 10th, Belift Lab responded by clarifying that the decision made by the Seoul Central District Court on May 30th, which granted the injunction, was not a verdict on the plagiarism accusation, but rather a measure to prevent HYBE from exercising their voting rights at ADOR’s extraordinary general meeting. Additionally, they declared their intention to file further civil lawsuits against CEO Min Hee-jin in order to hold her accountable for the harm caused to the artists, Belift Lab members, and participating creators.

Despite the civil lawsuit announcement made by Belift Lab, there has been no response from ADOR or CEO Min regarding the matter.

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