One Piece: The Explanation of Bonney’s Devil Fruit

Jewelry Bonney’s recent power-up in the latest chapters of One Piece has caused a lot of confusion regarding her Devil Fruit powers.

Bonney made her debut in One Piece during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc. Despite being absent from the story for a considerable period, she made a comeback and became a pivotal character in the current Egghead Arc.

This arc also uncovers Bonney’s actual age, as she is just 12 years old and utilizes her Devil Fruit abilities to change her appearance into that of an adult. It is her formidable Devil Fruit that has allowed her to achieve the same level of notoriety as other Supernovas such as Luffy, Zoro, Law, and Kid.

As events unfold in One Piece Chapter 1118, it becomes clear that Bonney’s Devil Fruit has more secrets than initially thought, particularly with her recent transformation.

Bonney’s Devil Fruit and Toshi Toshi no Mi Explained

Bonney possesses the abilities of the Toshi Toshi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit also known as the Age-Age Fruit.

Jewelry Bonney in her real body
Eiichiro Oda/Toei Animation

The Toshi Toshi no Mi grants her the ability to manipulate the age of any living being, object, or creature according to her desires. She can also use this power on herself.

Despite being a Devil Fruit user, Bonney’s powers were not acquired in the usual manner of consuming the fruit. As an infant, she was administered an extract of the fruit by Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, making her an exception to the norm. However, it remains unclear how this method of obtaining her powers differs from the traditional consumption process of other Devil Fruit users.

At first glance, Bonney’s Devil Fruit appears to be straightforward.

The clever use of Toshi Toshi no Mi makes it one of the most hazardous Devil Fruits in the series. Bonney has utilized this ability to assume various forms, such as a Buccaneer-like body, a giant form, and most notably, a Gear 5-like form.

Toshi Toshi no Mi techniques

Bonney enraged
Eiichiro Oda/Toei Animation

In addition to her age-altering ability, Bonney has utilized her Devil Fruit for various techniques, such as:

Distortion Future

Bonney initially employed this method in Chapter 1064 (Episode 1094) and later referred to it in Chapter 1072 (Episode 1103). This ability enables her to morph herself or others into individuals from alternate timelines. She can utilize this to assume a stronger and more muscular form, similar to that of Kuma.

Distortion Future

Despite being raised by Kuma, Bonney has developed a strong admiration for Sun God Nika. However, her knowledge of the deity’s abilities is limited. This explains why, when she transforms into her “future Nika”form, she is only able to enlarge specific body parts, similar to Luffy’s Gear 3.

Distortion Future A Future like a Giant

Bonney’s initial transformation occurred in Chapter 1115 as she morphed into a massive figure resembling a giant in order to defend herself against Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro.

After Dorry, Brogy, and the giants arrive on Egghead Island to bring Luffy and his crew to Elbaf, it seems that Bonney draws her inspiration from them sometime later.

Distortion Future: A Future of Ultimate Freedom

In Chapter 1118, Bonney demonstrates her strongest Devil Fruit ability yet, inspired by Luffy’s words of encouragement. This technique allows her to assume a Nika-like form, with her hair and attire turning white and her appearance resembling Gear 5.

Toshi Tsuki

Using this method, Bonney harnesses the abilities of the Toshi Toshi no Mi through various weapons. Typically, she directs her powers into a sword and alters her victims’ ages by piercing them with the weapon.

Oil Shock

This method is typically applied to lifeless items, particularly those made of metal, to accelerate their corrosion and eventual destruction. In Chapter 1072 (Episode 1103), Bonney utilizes this technique to forcibly open the lock of Vegapunk’s laboratory.


Near-Death Experience, also known as Bonney’s bleakest technique, involves shooting the target in the head. However, instead of dying, they undergo a rapid aging process and eventually transform into a skeletal form before returning to their original state.

How can Bonney transform into Nika?

With the help of the Toshi Toshi no Mi, Bonney is able to transform into Nika, a deity of her own imagination. Before encountering Luffy, Bonney had limited knowledge about Nika, making it difficult for her to accurately transform into the deity.

Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha

Despite initially doubting her own abilities, witnessing Luffy’s Gear 5 and his incredible skills, she begins to envision herself as someone capable of similar feats. This is proven when she must defend the Elbaf ship against Mars and Ju Peter, confidently transforming into her most powerful form known as Nika.

While her initial transformation, ‘a future like Nika’, differs from her new form, it should be noted that Bonney’s Nika form is merely a duplicate of the deity. This is in contrast to Luffy, who possesses the genuine Hito Hito no Mi; Model: Nika.

It is clear that Luffy’s transformation into Gear 5 and Bonney’s change in behavior are indicators of their contrasting power levels. While Luffy embodies the concept of freedom and knows no bounds, Bonney’s demeanor reflects the core of Nika with her uncontrollable laughter and carefree nature.

Despite her transformation, Bonney retains her true self. With the support and camaraderie from Luffy, she gains a newfound confidence in her abilities.

Is Bonney as strong as Luffy’s Gear 5?

Bonney’s strength does not compare to Luffy’s Gear 5.

Bonney being inspired by Luffy's Gear 5
Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha

Initially, Bonney’s Nika form may appear identical to Luffy’s Gear 5, causing much debate. However, Chapter 1119 clarifies that although they share a similar appearance, Bonney’s Nika form is not as powerful as Gear 5.

During Chapter 1119, Bonney returns to her true child form shortly after her transformation. She discloses that she is unable to maintain this form for an extended period. This is reasonable, considering Luffy’s state whenever he is recovering from Gear 5.

Despite Bonney’s inability to retain this power for more than a few minutes, it is a clear indication of her weakness compared to Luffy. Yet, her possession of this technique still makes her one of the most formidable characters on Egghead Island.

As the story unfolds, more of Bonney’s Devil Fruit abilities will be unveiled.

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