The workout routine of One Punch Man’s main character Saitama has become a worldwide phenomenon since it was first shown on the anime. This is apparent as fans continue to follow the exercise plan, regardless of the season or whether the show is currently airing.
Despite the fact that One Punch Man season 2 concluded almost five years ago, it is still quite astonishing that fans are eagerly anticipating Saitama’s workout plan. There seems to be no logical explanation for this excitement, yet fans have been consistently sharing their progress on social media.
The Workout Plan of Saitama in One Punch Man

Saitama’s exercise routine is incredibly straightforward as it does not involve the use of any equipment. Therefore, all of the exercises can be classified as bodyweight exercises. During his explanation in the anime, Saitama stressed the importance of consistency. He personally adhered to his “Intense Training Regime”for three consecutive years and encouraged Genos and the others to do the same.
Saitama’s Intense Training Regime consists of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run. It is clear that this training routine was considered ordinary, as none of the exercises were particularly unconventional.

Saitama emphasized the importance of having three meals a day, but he also noted that a simple banana in the morning would suffice. Furthermore, he stressed the importance of not relying on air conditioning or heating in the summers and winters, as it can help strengthen one’s mind.
Despite the potential for strengthening one’s mind by adhering to a resolution, the effectiveness of Saitama’s workout plan should not be attributed to the air conditioner and heater themselves. Therefore, it can be concluded that following Saitama’s regimen will not lead to achieving the same level of strength as the Caped Baldy.
Despite this, many fans still attempt to follow and share their experiences with the training regime on social media, possibly due to its perceived effectiveness.
How Fans Showed Their Love for the Workout Plan

The workout plan appears to have greatly benefited fans as it is both straightforward and efficient. A fan even shared how they followed the routine to regain their fitness before going back to the gym.
“Starting the One Punch Man workout today minus the run. Trying to get back into shape before I go back to gym next month,”one fan said.
“Doing the one punch man workout has been fun. 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and a 10k everyday. I dont do it everyday but I do execute 4/7 days. It’s actually not as challenging once you get past the first week,”another fan said.
One fan revealed that they have been consistently following the workout plan for a considerable period. Despite not being able to do it daily, they still manage to complete it four times a week. It is clear that the workout may be challenging in the beginning, but it gradually becomes more manageable.
“I did the 50% One Punch Man workout routine for a couple years a while back to great success but now my goal is to do 1000 pushups a day for a year,”other fan said.
“One punch man workouts aren’t going too good—I can barely do ten pushups,”another shared.
Another devoted fan took their dedication to the next level by surpassing the workout plan. After consistently following Saitama’s regimen for several years, they set a new goal to reach even greater milestones. In the meantime, fellow fans shared their own challenges, recounting how the workout plan was not as effortless as it appeared.
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