Pokemon Go Aquatic Paradise Event: Shiny Ducklett Debut, Encounters, and Bonuses

The Pokemon Go Aquatic Paradise event will feature the release of Shiny Ducklett on a global scale, as well as bringing some of the creatures from a New York City event to players worldwide.

Niantic has announced that Pokemon Go Fest New York 2024 will take place in the Big Apple from July 5 to July 7. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore various environments, such as the Poolside Cabana Habitat where Water-type Pokemon will be featured.

The Pokemon showcased at the Poolside Cabana will soon be released globally, following the start of Go Fest New York, during the Aquatic Paradise event (https://pokemongolive.com/post/go-fest-2024-aquatic-paradise?hl=en).

Pokemon Go Aquatic Paradise Events

The duration of Aquatic Paradise will be from 10 am on Saturday, July 6, to 8 pm on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, in local time.

This will take place immediately following the 8th Anniversary event and during the Inbound from Ultra Space event.

Ducklett Little Cup

Aquatic Paradise Wild & Incense Pokemon Encounters

During Aquatic Paradise, there will be an increase in the frequency of Pokemon spawning in the wild. Let’s take a look at which Pokemon will be affected.


  • Horsea*
  • Staryu*
  • Wingull*
  • Corphish*
  • Clamperl*
  • Ducklett*
  • Frillish*

* may also be found as Shiny

The introduction of Shiny Ducklett will be the highlight of this event. Furthermore, these Pokemon will only be available through Incense.


  • Shellder*
  • Lapras*
  • Finneon*
  • Frillish*

* Shiny may be found as indicated by *.

Event Bonuses

Aquatic Paradise also offers the added benefit of increasing the likelihood of encountering event Pokemon when using Incense.

Take a glance at all the bonuses below:

  • Increased chance of encountering event Pokemon from Incense
  • x2 XP for catching Pokemon
  • Incense-exclusive Pokemon appearances
Shiny Corphish appearing in Pokemon Go Safari Zone

Aquatic Paradise Collection Challenge

This event will also include a Collection Challenge, and those who successfully finish it will be rewarded with extra encounters and prizes.

Aquatic Paradise Field Research & Timed Research

Additionally, Aquatic Paradise will feature Field Research tasks for players to complete as part of the event, offering the chance to encounter the following Pokemon as rewards:

  • Corphish*
  • Clamperl*
  • Finneon*
  • Frillish*

Additionally, there will be Timed Research centered around the event theme that involves discovering and capturing Pokemon. Completing this research will earn participants:

  • Ducklett Encounters
  • Four Lucky Eggs
  • Two Incense
  • 20 Ducklett Candy

The upcoming Timed Research will be priced at $1.99 USD or the equivalent amount in the local currency.

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