The Sakurajima update introduced Chillet Ignis, a newly discovered subspecies of Pal. This guide will provide information on where to locate and capture Chillet Ignis in Palworld.
The Sakurajima update has brought new life to Palworld. Players can now explore a fresh location, acquire new items, and, most significantly, add a variety of new Pals to their Paldeck.
Ever since its release, Chillet has remained a fan favorite among Palworld players, even making an appearance in the April Fool’s dating sim trailer. With the announcement of the Sakurajima update, Pal Tamers have been eagerly anticipating the opportunity to obtain the new subspecies, Chillet Ignis.
This guide will provide you with all the necessary information on locating Chillet Ignis in Palworld and catching it. Before beginning your search, be sure to have the Sakurajima update installed.
Where to find Chillet Ignis in Palworld
Chillet Ignis is abundant on the recently discovered Sakurajima island. They are highly concentrated in the central area of the island.
The ideal location to come across them is in the Shrine area, which is adorned with beautiful cherry blossoms. However, please be cautious as this region is heavily populated by high-level Pals who may impede your efforts to capture this charming creature.

How to catch Chillet Ignis in Palworld: Battle tips
Chillet Ignis is a fire Pal, so to even the odds in this encounter, it is advised to bring at least one water Pal. We suggest choosing a sturdy Pal such as Jormuntide or Azurobe to help speed up the battle.
Since Chillet Ignis resides on Sakurajima island, encountering one will usually mean encountering a level 40 or higher creature. This implies that using a Hyper Sphere is necessary in order to effectively increase your chances of catching it.
Bringing a Ring of Mercy along may be beneficial if your build is highly optimized, as it will prevent you from accidentally defeating the target before catching it. Overall, our experience has shown that the encounter with Chillet Ignis is relatively simple.

Just look at it. You have to add Chillet Ignis to your Palworld roster.
Armed with all of this information, locating and capturing Chillet Ignis in Palworld should be a breeze. Keep in mind that this Pal is just one of the many new additions in the Sakurajima update. Rest assured, we will diligently search for all of the new Pals and provide readers with tips on how to capture them.
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