Warzone’s C4 Nerf Repeated After Explosives Remain Overpowered

The MW3 Season 4 Reloaded update for Warzone has once again nerfed C4 explosives, which had recently surged in popularity as a dominant meta choice in Verdansk years after their initial dominance.

Despite the removal of Thermobaric grenades from Warzone due to their overwhelming popularity and strength, the C4 quickly rose to take their place. Although it may not have possessed the same level of force or range as it did in Warzone 1, it remained a formidable weapon capable of decimating entire teams.

On June 18, a hotfix was released to decrease the power of the C4 by reducing their damage range and throwing speed. However, it seems that this adjustment was not sufficient as the developers at Raven Software have now chosen to make an even more significant nerf on June 26, just one week after the previous update for Season 4 Reloaded.

According to the patch notes, the following changes were made:

  • Decreased max damage to 200, down from 275
  • Decreased outer damage to 100, down from 137
  • Decreased max radius to 6.5 meters, down from 7

This significant nerf may greatly hinder the popularity of the C4 in Warzone, potentially causing players to opt for a Semtex or Frag Grenade instead due to their ease of use.

Despite this, 200 damage remains a formidable amount, particularly if you are prepared and expecting an attack, allowing you to activate the C4 when your enemies draw near. From there, it only takes a few seconds for you to retrieve your weapon and for your opponent to be sent to the Gulag.

The decrease in radius and reduction of outer damage could in fact be even more considerable, as it will require opponents to be much closer in order to reach the maximum limit of 200.

The meta may experience significant shifts due to the weapon buffs and nerfs introduced in Season 4 reloaded, potentially leading to the decline of C4’s relevance.

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