PUBG Mobile 2.7 update: What is the use of Ki in the Dragon Ball Super Themed Mode

The much anticipated 2.7 update for PUBG Mobile will feature an exciting partnership with the anime/manga series Dragon Ball Super. This new Themed Mode incorporates the popular Dragon Ball universe into the battle royale experience. The use of Ki, a character trait that plays a vital role in increasing gameplay and releasing tremendous abilities, is one intriguing facet of this partnership in the game.

This article will dive deep into how Ki is used in the Dragon Ball Super Themed Mode and how it affects the players in the PUBG Mobile 2.7 update.

What is Ki and how to use it in the Dragon Ball Super Themed mode in PUBG Mobile 2.7 update

Understanding Ki in Dragon Ball Super

Ki is the life force and energy that characters such as Goku, and Vegeta use to execute incredible feats in the Dragon Ball Super anime and manga. In PUBG Mobile, Ki is a fundamental gameplay concept in the Dragon Ball Super Themed Mode, offering you greater mobility, special skills, and access to powerful attacks. It brings a new level of strategy and excitement to the classic battle royale experience in the game.

Enhanced mobility through Ki

Ki grants you increased mobility, allowing you to haul around the battlefield with greater momentum and skill in this Theme Mode. You can outmaneuver opponents and gain tactical advantages by using this force to perform high-speed dashes, evasive tricks, and fast motions. This improved mobility allows you to explore the Theme Mode more efficiently, secure advantageous locations, and engage in dynamic combat situations in the game.

Unleashing powerful attacks with Ki

The ability to unleash lethal assaults with Ki is one of the most exciting parts of the Dragon Ball Super Themed Mode. You can use your Ki to perform iconic techniques from the anime series like the Kamehameha, a strong energy explosion, and the Buku-jutsu (Levitation Technique), allowing you to soar above the battlefield and gain a strategic advantage in PUBG Mobile. These powerful assaults have the ability to alter the tide of battle, resulting in dramatic and unforgettable moments for you in the game.

Managing Ki reserves

Ki management becomes vital in the Dragon Ball Super Themed Mode. To maximize battle effectiveness, you must effectively balance your Ki reserves. Ki can be recharged in-game through several means, such as consuming Senzu Beans in the game, which is an iconic item featured in this animated series with healing purposes.

Wise use of Ki reserves becomes critical to guarantee that you have enough energy to execute powerful attacks while remaining mobile throughout the fight. This strategic decision-making adds depth to the gameplay by challenging you to choose when it is suitable to use Ki-based skills and assaults in PUBG Mobile.

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