Quick Guide to Earning Heatstamps Efficiently in Frostpunk 2

In Frostpunk 2, managing a variety of resources is crucial, with Heatstamps being one of the most essential. Knowing how to acquire Heatstamps quickly and keep a steady supply is vital for ensuring the survival of your post-apocalyptic community.

Frostpunk 2 Heatstamps – How to Quickly Farm Heat Stamps and Their Importance

Frostpunk 2 View of Heatstamps Menu Drop Down Display
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Heatstamps serve as the primary currency in Frostpunk 2. You will need them to finance various projects and construct buildings. You accumulate Heatstamps through regular taxation of your citizens and the effective implementation of researched ideas and laws.

However, relying solely on these passive means often yields insufficient amounts, or they are quickly consumed. To ensure you have enough Heatstamps, we have outlined several effective methods for quickly farming capital below.

Boost Goods Production

View of Goods Production Site in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

One of the most effective strategies to increase your Heatstamps is by enhancing your Goods production. This can be monitored through the pot icon located in the upper left corner of your screen, depending on the Industrial Districts you have set up for Goods production, which you can manage from the District’s menu.

You can increase production in these Districts by having workers perform Emergency Shifts, which boosts Goods output and in turn raises your Heatstamps. However, be cautious not to keep Emergency Shifts active for extended periods, as this can result in worker injuries and fatalities, reducing overall productivity.

Additionally, passing laws related to necessities and goods can enhance the quantity of Goods produced or decrease the demand for them, thus facilitating Heatstamp accumulation.

Remember, though, that concentrating all Industrial Districts on Goods production has consequences. Besides consuming materials, they hinder your ability to create new Prefabs, which are crucial for establishing new Districts and Buildings.

Generate Funds through Various Factions

View of Raise Funds Option in Faithkeepers Menu in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Each faction has the ability to raise funds, albeit at the cost of lowering their Trust in you. The funds obtained depend on the number of citizens affiliated with that faction, making this method more effective when you’ve fostered positive relations with the factions.

Keep in mind that raising and maintaining Trust becomes increasingly difficult at higher difficulty levels. Moreover, after you request a faction to raise funds, there is a cooldown period during which you cannot make another request, limiting this revenue stream.

Thus, this method serves better as a supplementary option paired with other strategies rather than a quick fix for immediate needs.

Implement Laws that Charge Fees or Generate Profits

View of Council Passing Law in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Certain laws allow you to generate additional passive Heatstamps by imposing charges on citizens for skipping work or other conditions. These laws tend to be supported by factions focused on Adaptation or Progress and are introduced as you advance in the game.

However, these measures tend to increase Tension among citizens due to the added pressures. Only implement these laws if you possess the necessary skills to regularly manage Tension levels among your populace.

Expand Your Population

View of Newborn Lily May in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Growing your population increases the number of citizens available for taxation, making it beneficial to expand your population whenever possible.

Population increases typically advance in increments, usually around one thousand citizens per increase. You can also recruit new citizens through various Frostlands encounters, with recruitment numbers fluctuating based on your available Laws or Research Ideas.

To accommodate a growing population, it’s crucial to ensure adequate housing, food supplies, and industrial facilities for necessary Goods production. Keep these considerations in mind to avoid eradicating any Heatstamps you’ve earned through construction costs.

Dismantle Unnecessary Structures

View of Different Structures You Can Tear Down for Heatstamps in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

As your gameplay progresses, some structures might become obsolete if their resource production is diminished or other facilities prove more efficient. You can dismantle these unnecessary buildings through their respective menus, earning back a fraction of the Heatstamps used in their construction and reducing Material consumption.

However, dismantling structures also removes any bonuses they provided, which may affect your heat requirements. Evaluate whether the benefits of tearing down a structure outweigh the potential drawbacks, especially during colder seasons.

We hope this guide helps you quickly acquire Heatstamps in Frostpunk 2. With luck, you will be well on your way to amassing enough currency to elevate your city towards the ambitions you’ve always envisioned.


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