Raid Shadow Legends Tier List (July 2023)

Raid Shadow Legends, developed by Plarium, features over 700 characters known as Champions. This massive roster presents over a million possible team combinations for battles. Each character possesses one among these Affinities – Magic, Spirit, Void, and Force. Furthermore, each Champion has varying rarities ranging from Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary.

Raid Shadow Legends is an RPG gacha title set in the fantasy world of Teleria. Players combine their best fighters to battle in different game modes, including Campaign, Dungeons, Faction Wars, PvP Arena, Cland Bosses, and more. With the massive roster, one might get confused deciding which Champions to use in battles. That’s where the tier list becomes useful. This article provides the tier list of all Raid Champions for July 2023.

All Raid Shadow Legends ranked (July 2023)

Raid Shadow Legends offer a variety of Shards for summoning champions from the game’s gacha. Players can make their Champions more potent by upgrading their levels, artifacts, and skills and ascending their ranks in this mobile gacha title. All Raid Shadow Legends Champions belong to these factions:

  • Shadowkin
  • Dwarves
  • Skinwalkers
  • Barbarians
  • Banner Lords
  • Dark Elves
  • Demonspawn
  • High Elves
  • Knight Revenant
  • Lizardmen
  • Ogryn-Tribes
  • Orcs
  • Sacred Order
  • Undead Hordes
  • Sylvian Watchers

This tier list classifies all Raid Shadow Champions into SS, S, A, and B tiers. Like other gacha tier lists, SS tier Champions are the strongest and dominate the current meta, and B tiers are the weakest fighters. Here are what these tiers mean in Raid Shadow Legends:

  • SS-tier: The Champions in this tier are the most powerful and can obliterate any enemies conveniently. They are powerful in all modes and help clear all content.
  • S-tier: Raid Shadow Legends Champions in this tier are more robust but less potent than SS-tier ones. These characters perform well in most game modes. However, proper upgrades can generate great results from the battles.
  • A-tier: Characters in this tier perform average, and one should upgrade them at every opportunity to make good use of them. They help clear early and mid-game stages.
  • B-tier: Players should refrain from using these Champions in matches. These characters help familiarize with gameplay and understand the meta. One should use Shards and obtain higher-tier ones as soon as possible.

That said, the tier list below divides all Raid Shadow Legends characters under their respective faction in alphabetical order:

Raid Shadow Legends Banner Lords tier list

Banner Lords have an undying loyalty to King Tayba, who tasked them to guard Kaerok Castle’s Royal Administrators. They are hereditary Knights of Kareok who also partake in the King’s territory expansion mission. Here is the tier list of the Banner Lords faction in this RPG title:


  • Baron
  • Raglin
  • Septimus
  • Sethalia


  • Black Knight
  • Cillian
  • Lord Champfort
  • Luganthe Steadfast
  • Minaya
  • Oathbound
  • Richtoff the Bold
  • Rowan
  • Stag Knight
  • Warcaster


  • Azure
  • Chevalier
  • Conqueror
  • Halberdier
  • Hordin
  • Knight Errant
  • Myrmidon
  • Preserver
  • Seneschal
  • Vanguard
  • Grandmaster
  • Masked Fearmonger


  • Bombardier
  • Cataphract
  • Courtier
  • Crossbowman
  • Lordly Legionary
  • Quaestor
  • Steadfast Marshal
  • Valerie

Raid Shadow Legends Barbarians tier list

Barbarians hail from the land of Hark’han, who provide mercenary services to the highest bidder. They made a pact with servants of Corruption when they returned from the East on their dragons. As a result, Barbarians gained control of the region. Below is the tier list of Barbarians in Raid Shadow Legends:


  • Kallia
  • Scyl of the Drakes
  • Turvold
  • Ursuga Warcaller
  • Valkyrie
  • Warmaiden


  • Alika
  • Altan
  • Atur
  • Berserker
  • Elder Skarg
  • High Khatun
  • Kantra the Cyclone
  • Marked
  • Sentinel
  • Sikara
  • Skytouched Shaman
  • Soulbound Bowyer
  • Valla


  • Aina
  • Anointed
  • Baroth the Bloodsoaked
  • Dunestrider
  • Elder Skirmisher
  • Teshada
  • Woad-Painted
  • Bloodbraid


  • Hill Nomad
  • Maeve
  • Ragemonger
  • Suwai Firstborn
  • Jotun
  • Ox
  • Slayer

Raid Shadow Legends Dark Elves tier list

Dark Elves inhabit the border region of Teleria. They flee from their homeland Aravia out of shame and now set a toll on the path that leads out of Kareok safely. However, one must pay to cross or face dangerous situations. Here is the tier list of Dark Elves:


  • Blind Seer
  • Foli
  • Ghostborn
  • Kael
  • Lanakis the Chosen
  • Lua
  • Madame Serris
  • Queen Eva
  • Rae
  • Visix the Unbowed
  • Zavia


  • Astralith
  • Crimson Helm
  • Fang Cleric
  • Kaiden
  • Luria
  • Pain Keeper
  • Psylar
  • Spider
  • Spirithost
  • Vizier Ovelis
  • Warden


  • Captain Temila
  • Coldheart
  • Eviscerator
  • Hexweaver
  • Judge
  • MysticHand
  • Retainer


  • Delver
  • Harvester
  • Paragon
  • Wanderer
  • Steel Bowyer

Raid Shadow Legends Demonspawn tier list

The ancient beings of darkness reside beyond the portal in the realm of fire and darkness. They made a pact with Necromancer and bred Demonspawn, the unholy union of mortals and demons. Here is the tier list of Demonspawn in this strategy game:


  • Candraphon
  • Duchess Lilitu
  • Mortu-Macaab
  • Nazana
  • Peydma
  • Prince Kymar
  • Tyrant Ixlimor
  • Umbral Enchantress


  • Alure
  • Cruetraxa
  • Drexthar Bloodtwin
  • Excruciator
  • Fellhound
  • Infernal Baroness
  • Inithwe Bloodtwin
  • Lord Shazar
  • Marquis
  • Tainix Hateflower


  • Diabolist
  • Erinyes
  • Hellgazer
  • Marquess
  • Souldrinker


  • Tormentor
  • Hellfang
  • Hound Spawn
  • Ifrit
  • Malbranche

Raid Shadow Legends Dwarves tier list

Dwarves are the Champions that seek revenge against the demonic legions of Siroth. They invaded and destroyed the homes of Dwarves located beneath the Mountain of Teleria.


  • Grizzled Jarl
  • Maulie Tankard
  • Rearguard Sergeant
  • Tormin the Cold
  • Trunda Giltmallet


  • Baerdal Fellhammer
  • Dilgol
  • Gala Longbraids
  • Mountain King
  • Rock Breaker


  • Avir the Alchemage
  • Cudgeler
  • Grumbler
  • Hatchet Slinger
  • Madman
  • Runic Warder
  • Stout Axeman


  • BeastWrestler
  • Bulwark
  • Dolor Lorekeeper
  • Gloria Brutebane
  • Honor Guard
  • Master Butcher
  • Painsmith
  • Perforator

Raid Shadow Legends High Elves tier list

High Elves are benevolent Champions from Aravia who have achieved the highest Spiritual, Physical, and Intellectual advancement. They welcome refugees and provide them home further East. Here is the tier list of High Elves:


  • Apothecary
  • Arbiter
  • Belanor
  • Elhain
  • Lyssandra
  • Royal Huntsman
  • Tayrel
  • Thenasil
  • Yannica


  • Basileus Roanas
  • Battlesage
  • Elenaril
  • Heiress
  • Ithos
  • Jinglehunter
  • Luthiea
  • Marksman
  • Royal Guard
  • Shirimani
  • Vergis


  • Exemplar
  • Fencer
  • Hyria
  • Reliquary Tender


  • Adjudicator
  • Avenger
  • Interceptor
  • Magister

Raid Shadow Legends Knight Revenant tier list

Knight Revenants believe they are the vessels for their ancestors’ spirits. Disciples of the K’leth death cult kidnap people to enslave or sacrifice them for their rituals. Here is the tier list of Knight Revenant in this free-to-play game:


  • Doompriest
  • Golden Reaper
  • Miscreated Monster
  • Sepulcher Sentinel
  • Sinesha
  • Skullcrown
  • Soulless


  • Bystophus
  • Crypt Witch
  • Deathless
  • Executioner
  • Hegemon
  • Pitiless One
  • TombLord
  • Wurlim Frostking


  • Crimson Slayer
  • Gladiator
  • Guardian
  • Kytis
  • Magus
  • Necrohunter
  • Renegade
  • Theurgist
  • Whisper


  • Acolyte
  • Arcanist
  • Centurion
  • Coffin Smasher
  • Daywalker
  • Faceless

Raid Shadow Legends Lizardmen tier list

Lizardmen, the fearsome amphibious Champions, are allowed to live in swamps and sewers. They evolved long before modern humanoid races saw the face of the world.


  • Dracomorph
  • Fu-Shan
  • Jareg
  • Krisk the Ageless
  • Rhazin Scarhide


  • Jizoh
  • Vergumkaar


  • Basilisk
  • Bogwalker
  • Broadmaw
  • Drake
  • Gator
  • Hurler
  • Jarang
  • Skull Lord Var-Gall
  • Skullsworn


  • Flinger
  • Muckstalker
  • Skink
  • Slitherbrute

Raid Shadow Legends Ogryn Tribes tier list

Ogryn Tribes consist of fighters that depend upon their brute force in battles. They are dumb, ignorant, sluggish, and subjected to slavery. Along with the Skinwalkers, they control Felwin’s Gatel, the entrance to the Kingdom of Aravia.


  • Bellower
  • Big’Un
  • Grush the Mangler
  • Maneater
  • Shamrock
  • Skullcrusher
  • War Mother


  • Cagebreaker
  • Grimskin
  • Gurgoh the Augur
  • Ignatius
  • Towering Titan


  • Drokgul the Gaunt
  • Furystoker
  • Galkut
  • Gurptuk Moss-Beard
  • Occult Brawler
  • Pounder
  • Shatterbones
  • Wagonbane


  • Flesheater
  • Fortress Goon
  • Magmablood
  • Rocktooth
  • Siegebreaker
  • Stoneskin

Raid Shadow Legends Orcs tier list

Orcs were initially bred as warrior enslaved people that attacked travelers for their valuable resources to survive. They befriended the Queen of Aravia in fear of facing persecution from the Kaerok.


  • Kreela Witch-Arm
  • Robar
  • Vrask
  • Warlord
  • Zargala


  • Angar
  • Galek
  • Sandlashed Survivor
  • Teela Goremane
  • Tuhak the Wanderer
  • Veteran


  • Bonekeeper
  • Grohak the Bloodied
  • Raider
  • Seer
  • Shaman
  • Ultimate Galek


  • Bloodfeather
  • Chopper
  • Deathchanter
  • Goremask
  • Huntress
  • Ironclad
  • Ripperfist
  • Spikehead
  • Terrorbeast
  • Torturehelm
  • Totem
  • Treefeller
  • Twinclaw Disciple
  • Wyvernbane

Raid Shadow Legends Sacred Order tier list

Sacred Order Champions were tasked with destroying evil in the Teleria for centuries. After the war declaration, they now serve the Queen of Aravia. Here is the tier list of Sacred Order Champions:


  • Abbess
  • Athel
  • Cupidus
  • Fenax
  • Lightsworn
  • Marty
  • Roshcard the Tower
  • Sir Nicholas
  • Venus


  • Aothar
  • Cardinal
  • Errol
  • Hope
  • Juliana
  • Mistress of Hymns
  • Relickeeper
  • Romero


  • Bushi
  • Canoness
  • Draconis
  • Frostbringer
  • Lamellar
  • Mother Superior
  • Penitent
  • Sanctioned Purifier
  • Tallia
  • Templar
  • Warpriest


  • Adriel
  • Chaplain
  • Confessor
  • Harrier
  • Headsman
  • Hospitaller
  • Judicator
  • Justiciar
  • Maiden
  • Missionary
  • Purgator
  • Renouncer
  • Sanctum Protector
  • Solaris
  • Witness

Raid Shadow Legends Shadowkin tier list

Oppressed by Demonspawn for centuries, Shadowkin came from the East beyond Brimstone’s path. They have joined other factions of the world to fight against Siroth.


  • Karato Foxhunter
  • Kyoku
  • Lady Kimi
  • Ninja
  • Yumeko


  • Chani
  • Genbo the Dishonored
  • Genzin
  • Hotatsu
  • Jintoro
  • Kunoichi
  • Riho Bonespear
  • Sachi
  • Toragi The Frog


  • Burangiri
  • Chonoru
  • Fenshi
  • Gamuran
  • Jingwon
  • Kinagashi
  • Masamoto
  • Nobel
  • Oboro
  • Odachi
  • Taya
  • Umetogi
  • Vagabond
  • Yoshi the Drunkard


  • Assassin
  • Bloodmask
  • Conscript
  • Fanatic
  • Ginro the Stork
  • Gory
  • Itinerant
  • Infiltrator
  • Jurojin
  • Lifetaker
  • Marauder

Raid Shadow Legends Skinwalker tier list

Skinwalkers are Shamans that are trapped between the form of man and beast after they overused their shapeshifting powers. Here is the tier list of Skinwalkers in this fantasy title:


  • Khoronar
  • Norog
  • Steelskull


  • Basher
  • Brakus the Shifter
  • Fayne
  • Graybeard
  • Hakkorhn Smashlord
  • Longbeard
  • Reinbeast
  • Snorting Thug
  • Warchief


  • Bloodpainter
  • Channeler
  • Fleshmonger
  • Flesh-Tearer
  • Gnalhorn
  • Grappler
  • Ursine Icecrusher
  • Ursine Ironhide
  • Yagathe Insatiable


  • Bloodhorn
  • Ripper
  • Taurus

Raid Shadow Legends Undead Hordes tier list

These champions are the souls of fallen Telerians that turned into ghouls and are minions of the Dark One. Here is the tier list of Undead Hordes:


  • Bad-el-Kazar
  • Bloodgorged
  • Gorgorab
  • Ma’Shalled
  • Nethril
  • Rotos the Lost Groom
  • Saito
  • Seeker
  • Siphithe Lost Bride
  • Skartosis
  • Suzerain Katonn


  • Doomscreech
  • Drowned Bloatwraith
  • Frozen Banshee
  • HarvestJack
  • Lich
  • Mausoleum Mage
  • Seducer
  • Zelotah


  • Banshee
  • Catacomb Councilor
  • Corpse Collector
  • Corpulent Cadaver
  • Crypt-King Graal
  • Dark Athel
  • Dark Elhain
  • Defiled Sinner
  • Grinner
  • Husk
  • Rotting Mage
  • Temptress


  • Amarantine Skeleton
  • Arbalester
  • Armantine Skeleton
  • Bone Knight
  • Hexia
  • Karam
  • Ghoulish Ranger
  • Gravechill Killer
  • Hollow
  • Stitched Beast
  • Sorceress
  • Wretch

Raid Shadow Legends Sylvian Watchers tier list

The newest faction in Raid Shadow Legends comprises Fae-like creatures. Mistwood, the tree-city capital of Nyresa, is home to them. These fearsome fighters do not obey anyone and only follow the rules of the Sylvan court.


  • Claidna
  • Elva Autumnborn
  • King Gallcobar
  • Oella
  • Searsha The Charred


  • Greenwarden Ruarc
  • Locwain
  • Ruella
  • White Dryad Nia
  • Wyrennon the Silken


  • Ailil
  • Duedan the Runic
  • Enda Moonbeam
  • Kellan the Shrike
  • Mistrider Daithi
  • Myciliac Priest Orn
  • Shadowbow Tirlac


  • Cormac the Highpeak
  • Margrave Greenhawk
  • Pathfinder Cait

That concludes our Raid Shadow Legends tier list for July 2023. Players should know that the tier list changes every time the title receives updates. The developers at Plarium regularly update the title, introducing new stories, events, characters, and more. Additionally, with every patch update, some Champions receive a buff, and others get debuffed. All these changes shift the meta’s power, resulting in change of the tier list.

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