Rain Recalls Being Rejected By Kim Tae-hee At First: She Said She Liked Handsome Men

Rain revealed in a recent episode of the YouTube show “Zzan Bro” hosted by comedian Shin Dong-yeop, released on June 3, that during the peak of his popularity, he initially considered stepping back from his entertainment activities. However, his desire to continue thriving and his insatiable ambition led him to feel as though he was drinking salt water. He even contemplated going on a trip to distance himself from the industry, but fate intervened when he met Kim Tae-hee on the set of an advertisement.

Rain reluctantly admitted, “We had different preferences when it came to our ideal partners. I shouldn’t really say this, but she wasn’t someone I found attractive. And the feeling was mutual. Initially, she mentioned liking handsome men and made it clear that I didn’t fit that criteria. I couldn’t bear it, so I ended up giving her a call after receiving her number.”

By rain

At the time, he had asked her out for a meal but Kim Tae-hee had consistently declined. This fueled his determination to win her over and he thought to himself, “Why not me? I am also a good man.”He then asked her, “I will be leaving for the military in two weeks, would you like to go out with me?”However, she turned him down and that was the end of it.

Rain remembered, “It was approximately one year later when I was on leave from the military and mistakenly sent Kim a wrong text message. I then invited her to have a meal together, saying, “I’m on vacation, let’s meet up,”to which she finally agreed. That’s how it all began.”

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