Rainbow Six Siege Operator Rankings for 2024

Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 9 Season 1 has begun, bringing with it a shift in the meta due to Ubisoft’s recent major update. As of now, which operators reign supreme in Ubisoft’s tactical FPS in 2024? In this ultimate tier list, we select the top attackers and defenders.

Rainbow Six Siege has been going strong for nine years, offering players a selection of over 60 operators to choose from. Staying up-to-date with the top choices for both attack and defense can be challenging. Season 1 of the game’s ninth year introduces Deimos, a new attacker hailing from Birmingham.

As a result, our tier list has been updated accordingly and is outlined below. The top three Attackers and Defenders have been identified.

R6 Operator Tier List: Best Attackers

Nomad, Zero and Thatcher from Rainbow Six Siege on R6 background

Nomad, Zero, and Thatcher are our picks for best attackers in R6.

Tier Operator
S Nomad, Thatcher, Zero
A Ace, Brava, Finka, Hibana, Jackal, Maverick, Ram, Sledge, Thermite, Zofia, Grim, Kali, Montagne
B Ash, Blackbeard, Buck, Capitao, Deimos, Dokkaebi, Flores, Iana, IQ, Lion, Osa, Twitch, Blitz, Striker
C Fuze, Gridlock, Ying, Glaz
D Amaru, Nøkk
AND Sense

Nomad: S-tier

For a while now, Nomad has been regarded as Siege’s top operator for countering roaming enemies, a reputation that continues to hold true thanks to her Airjab repulsion grenades. These grenades are perfect for providing cover for attackers after they have breached and are approaching the bomb sites. As a Caveira or Vigil, getting thrown onto your back and facing imminent elimination is the worst possible scenario.

With her arsenal consisting of either the AK-74M or ARX200, she possesses reliable weapons that perfectly complement her well-rounded style of play. She is undoubtedly a top pick for any attacking team.

Zero: S-Tier

Zero is also a highly capable and adaptable attacker. He stands out among other offensive operators because of his ability to utilize an SMG, specifically the MP7. Additionally, his Argus cameras provide valuable information and put pressure on defending teams. Another strong weapon at his disposal is the SC3000K, which is considered one of the top-performing ARs in Siege.

Being one of a small group of operators who received a speed buff in Solar Raid, he has become even more challenging to track as a defender. With his enhanced speed and utility, he is able to quickly enter, deploy a camera, and exit.

Thatcher – S-tier

Despite his frequent bans, one cannot deny the strength of Thatcher. His EMP grenades are undeniably the most useful and versatile gadget, constantly frying any electrical devices within their range and being nearly impossible to counter.

Despite the decrease in his speed, his strong selection of loadout options, specifically the L85A2, combined with his potentially overpowered gadget, solidify him as arguably the top attacker.

However, it will be challenging to maneuver through the pre-match ban phase with him.

R6 Operator Tier List: Best Defenders

Operators Mira, Jäger, and Aruni in Rainbow Six Siege

Mira, Jäger, and Aruni make up our best Defender picks.

Tier Operator
S Fish, Mira, Aruni
A Azami, Bandit, Echo, Fenrir, Kaid, Kapkan, Mozzie, Mute, Smoke, Solis, Wamai, Valkyrie
B Alibi, Castle, Goyo, Injury, Master, Melusi, Pulse, Thorn, Thunderbird, Tubaran, Warden
C Skull, Doc, She, Frost, Oryx, Tachanka, Vigil
D Clash, Rook

Hunter: S-tier

Despite being hit with nerfs, Jäger’s viability in-game remains unaffected. His Active Defence Systems are still as reliable as ever and the 416-C Carbine continues to be a standout weapon for defenders, despite the removal of the 2.5x scope and reduced magazine size. As long as he has this weapon in his arsenal, Jäger’s legacy as a spawn-peek legend will live on.

Look: S-tier

Mira’s greatest challenge lies in her difficulty to play. Mastering this Spaniard can be tough, but once you have learned how to effectively utilize her mirrors and control the Vector.45’s recoil, she becomes an incredibly formidable opponent for attackers.

Mira’s Black Mirrors offer valuable insights into the strategies of attacking teams. With a Nitro Cell and shotgun as secondary weapons, she is also a useful choice for counter-attacking and soft breaching. However, being a one-speed operator, Mira players will need to adapt their playstyles to staying close to the bomb.

Aruni: Top Tier Operator

Aruni is the final addition to our elite defenders in the S-Tier. While her equipment may not be top-of-the-line, it is still manageable for most attackers. However, her exceptional weapons and adaptability set her apart from the rest.

The P10 RONI continues to be recognized as one of the top SMGs in Siege, and her ability to punch through walls is both distinctive and useful in a variety of situations. In summary, when it comes to defensive capabilities, Aruni is a formidable choice.

This concludes our ranking of the top Rainbow Six Siege operators. Additionally, you can stay informed about the current R6 server status to determine if the servers are experiencing any downtime.

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