Ranking of 10 Sailor Moon Feats from Most Useful to Least

Despite not being typically associated with feats of strength or magic, Sailor Moon is often overlooked in comparison to popular series such as Dragon Ball. However, a closer look at the series reveals a multitude of impressive displays of strength, magic, agility, and endurance that could rival even the most popular modern shonen anime like Jujutsu Kaisen or magical girl anime like Madoka.

Despite the fandom’s numerous memes about certain feats and their usefulness, such as Tuxedo Mask being considered the least useful compared to Chibi-Usa, it should be noted that there are actually many useful feats in Sailor Moon.

From Jupiter’s heroic defeat of a monster despite fainting from blood loss in the original anime, to Venus’ impressive rescue of the Scouts in her debut, there is no shortage of Sailor Moon moments worth revisiting in both the show and manga.

Note: This article contains spoilers for all versions of Sailor Moon, including the original anime, Crystal, and manga. All opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

10 Most Useful Abilities of Sailor Moon

Healing Powers of Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon’s ability to heal is a fundamental skill and one of her most valuable assets in all versions of the story. In action anime, medical arts are often underestimated, leading to the undervaluing of healing abilities. However, in a magical girl series like Sailor Moon, the power of healing is crucial, especially when faced with enemies who transform humans into monsters.

Sailor Moon’s healing capabilities have been instrumental in saving numerous lives on Earth and throughout the galaxy, and remain a key driving force for her character.

2) The Strength of All Sailor Senshi

The strength, attack capability, and power of the Sailor Senshi are not to be underestimated. One notable feat was performed by Sailor Saturn, who reset the universe after the fall of the Moon Kingdom. However, this was just one example of the impressive abilities possessed by the 10 iconic Scouts. The ultimate antagonist of the series, Galaxia, demonstrated her destructive power by effortlessly obliterating entire planets with a mere gesture.

At the conclusion of the manga, Eternal Sailor Moon achieved her ultimate form and harnessed the power of reality and the space-time continuum to reduce the malevolent primordial entity known as Chaos into a minuscule speck within the Galaxy Cauldron.

Despite facing resistance from those who resist light and striking people’s souls, Sailor Moon’s attacks have successfully reached across the infinite universe to combine with Chibi Moon and destroy the Death Phantom, also known as Planet Nemesis. This powerful threat had the potential to consume the entire Solar System.

Sailor Jupiter demonstrated her impressive strength by punching through a cracked dimensional mirror and shattering Queen Nehellenia’s previously untouchable face. This was a greater feat than Sailor Mars, who was only able to destroy one Jadeite and later kill another in the manga.

In addition, Sailor Moon’s most impressive display of dimension-breaking was when she destroyed Queen Nehellenia’s dimension, which housed numerous beings. This also does not include Sailor Cosmos, a deity from the future who possesses the power to effortlessly manipulate reality.

3) Enhanced Durability of the Sailor Senshi

Durability (Image via Kondansha and Toei animation)
Durability (Image via Kondansha and Toei animation)

Surviving powerful attacks and being able to continue fighting is considered a major accomplishment for many anime characters. One impressive display of durability often overlooked in Sailor Moon is the Sailor Senshi’s ability to withstand intense blows. A noteworthy instance of this was when Sailor Moon engaged in a fierce battle against Galaxia, a formidable opponent capable of annihilating entire planets, and still managed to stand her ground despite enduring numerous attacks.

Throughout the entire series, the Senshi remained constant:

  1. Despite being brainwashed by Galaxia, they managed to survive each other’s redirected attacks.
  2. After enduring Planet Nemesis, which resembled a black hole, they managed to survive.
  3. Surviving in space requires being able to withstand not only the harsh conditions of the void, but also the forces of planets that consume both energy and material.
  4. Managed to survive within a time vortex, free and unobstructed.
  5. Survived attacks from the strongest of the Witches V in civilian form (Uranus)
  6. Withstood against various forms of manipulation, including mental and power nullification.

Despite facing numerous challenges and enduring physical and spiritual damage, the Sailor Senshi displayed impressive resilience throughout the first season. By the series finale, even after their bodies and souls were torn apart, they managed to retain their forms within the Galaxy Cauldron, with Sailor Moon successfully restoring hers.

Superhuman Stamina for all Sailor Senshi

Stamina feats (Image via Toei Animation/Kodansha)
Stamina feats (Image via Toei Animation/Kodansha)

When transformed, the Sailor Senshi possess superhuman levels of stamina and are able to perform attacks without tiring. As long as they do not sustain significant damage, they are able to continue walking or running after a battle. The manga and original anime also showcase impressive displays of their superhuman stamina.

In the anime, Sailor Jupiter not only donated blood to save a child’s life, but also had enough strength to defeat a monster that had previously defeated her. Even in their civilian forms, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus are all in excellent physical condition due to their athletic backgrounds.

In Crystal, Sailor Saturn successfully maintained her hold on Master Pharaoh 90’s dark essence until she was able to seal it away. Her powers also provide a boost in stamina for individuals like Usagi and Ami, who may not be as physically active.

Usagi’s impressive abilities also include her ability to continue fighting in the Black Moon Castle on Planet Nemesis, despite its similarities to a black hole with heightened gravity and radiation. While this may seem like a common trait for anime protagonists, it is noteworthy that the Senshi do not experience fatigue after prolonged battles like other characters in the genre often do.

Massive Speed Increase for All Senshi

Speed feats (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)
Speed feats (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)

The Senshi, including Chibi-Usa, Sailor Saturn, and Tuxedo Mask, all possess the power of teleportation. While they are skilled in combat and able to withstand attacks, being able to match their opponents’ speed is another crucial aspect. In the original anime, Sailor Moon, even in her regular form, demonstrated her agility by evading camera flashes that captured unsuspecting victims.

The Senshi have demonstrated their remarkable teleportation abilities, showcasing both their speed and range. They are able to teleport across a city in a matter of seconds, and even cover the vast distance from Earth to Pluto in mere moments, as seen when Sailor Saturn battled Galaxia. In fact, Sailor Venus was able to accidentally teleport to Venus without any difficulty before even obtaining her powers, as shown in Codename: Sailor V.

The most impressive display of speed occurred when Sailor Moon, the Sailor Starlights, Kakyuu, and Chibi Chibi reached the Sagittarius Alpha Star, which is situated 26,000 light years from the solar system, in a mere instant from Earth. Although they had transformed beforehand, this can be compared to Goku’s Instant Transmission in terms of speed.

6) Exploring Conditional Immortality and Reincarnation through Star Seeds (All Senshi + Tuxedo Mask)

Star Seeds across the series (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)
Star Seeds across the series (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)

Despite being conditional, this Sailor Moon feat holds immense significance to the series and has been a prominent aspect since the first arc. The Senshi, along with Tuxedo Mask, can all trace their origins to the royal family of the Silver Millennium, having been reborn as teenagers and young adults in the present day.

Every being in existence possesses Star Seeds, also known as Sailor Crystals in the manga, which were first introduced in the final arc of Sailor Moon. These crystals are essential for a being’s survival, and their removal is the only way for the host to truly die. Otherwise, they are reincarnated.

Despite being introduced in the final part, this concept holds great significance and is placed towards the bottom of the list. However, prior villains, with the exception of Galaxia, were unable to obtain a Star Seed. As long as the Star Seed remains unaltered or unharmed, the host will always be able to be revived.

Planets Associated with Genius Intelligence

The Geniuses (Image via Toei Animation)
The Geniuses (Image via Toei Animation)

It is crucial to never underestimate the importance of intelligence. The capacity to plan, strategize, and think quickly to identify patterns and weaknesses is a remarkable accomplishment of the Sailor Moon team. It is also essential to keep in mind that the Inner Senshi are all young and face the pressures of school and exams.

It wasn’t challenging to recognize this as an achievement, despite being reserved for only a few members of the entire group. Sailor Mercury, the strategist of the Inner Senshi, has an IQ exceeding 300 and regularly provides intelligence on monster vulnerabilities after scanning them. Similarly, Neptune is one of the gifted individuals, having attended a prestigious school for geniuses where she excelled in both academics and the arts.

Sailor Pluto’s extensive knowledge of space and time, acquired through her role as guardian of time and her long lifespan, has led to speculation that she possesses near-omniscience. This heightened understanding of timelines allows her to maintain a sharp focus in battle, as her powers center around darkness, death, time, and space, making her a prime target due to the significant energy signatures she produces.

8) Characters with Limited Precognition (Mars, Tuxedo Mask, Neptune, Pluto)

Sailor Moon's precogs (Image via Toei Animation)
Sailor Moon’s precogs (Image via Toei Animation)

The gift of foresight is both a blessing and a curse. Certain characters in Sailor Moon possess this ability, but it can be a tricky tool to wield. Acting on limited information can sometimes result in unintentionally bringing about the very future one was trying to avoid, or even exacerbating it. This impressive skill is primarily utilized by four individuals: Sailor Mars, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, and Tuxedo Mask.

Despite Sailor Mars and Tuxedo Mask possessing psionic and prophetic powers, their abilities are restricted. Tuxedo Mask can only glimpse future events through his dreams, despite also having the ability to sense spirits and energy. Sailor Mars, on the other hand, has a strong sense of precognition, accurately predicting near-future events such as Jadeite’s ambush in Act 3. Though her predictions are not infallible, as seen when she was captured instead of Usagi.

Sailor Neptune and Pluto possess abilities that allow them to have a clearer understanding of the future and the ability to take action based on it. Even in their civilian forms, Sailor Pluto has access to her space/time powers and can see visions and anomalies with greater clarity. Neptune’s mastery of foresight surpasses even that of Mars, likely due to her extensive experience.

9) The Importance of Courage and Accuracy in Rose Throwing (Tuxedo Mask)

Although it is a common joke that Tuxedo Mask is useless, this can be disproved by paying attention to certain details while watching or reading Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Mask’s Courage Empowerment can be compared to a Blue Lantern from DC’s Green Lantern comics, as it involves empowering someone by boosting their self-confidence.

Despite initially seeming useless, this ability proves to be a great advantage for Usagi in the first few arcs of the series. As a teenage girl, she is overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of monsters and the responsibility of being a world savior at the young age of 14, much like Gohan or Shinji Ikari.

In both the manga and anime, Tuxedo Mask demonstrates his abilities to throw roses and use the Tuxedo Bomber. While the rose-throwing technique is effective in stunning villains and protecting the Senshi, the Tuxedo Bomber proves to be lethal as it takes down one of the elite witches in the Black Moon Clan in both the manga and Crystal.

Glass-shattering sound waves (Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon)

Being able to use a high pitch and loud scream to shatter glass is quite impressive. The sound waves can cause disorientation, especially for those with sensitive ears to high frequencies. This ability can also temporarily stop attackers in their tracks, giving valuable seconds or minutes to defend oneself.

The feat was rarely showcased in both the anime and manga, as it requires a high level of skill. In the first episode of the anime, it was used to great effect, producing a loud sound that could dispel illusions, shatter glass, and even stop hypnotized humans from attacking.

During a subsequent encounter, Usagi and Chibi-Usa utilized this technique to defend against a monster summoned by the Amazonness Quartet. Not only did it successfully halt the monster’s attack, but it also caused significant damage to a nearby building. However, this feat has proven to be the least effective due to its infrequent use and unreliable effectiveness. This was evident when Sailor Moon attempted to use it again in episode 2 of Crystal, but it proved to be ineffective.

Sailor Moon boasts a plethora of impressive feats, some more practical than others. Rewatching the series is highly recommended, not only to appreciate these feats, but also to witness the transformation of the characters from inexperienced children to powerful defenders of the universe, confronting even the most formidable of foes. It is truly remarkable to see how far they have come from their humble beginnings.

It is particularly accurate for Usagi Tsukino, as she transforms from a fearful girl who complains about everything to becoming the hero who saves the universe.

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