Ranking of Marvel Rivals’ Best Vanguards, Duelists & Strategists

Marvel Rivals currently offers a diverse lineup of 21 characters, each possessing distinct abilities in the closed beta test. We have evaluated and ranked all of them according to their effectiveness.

At the moment, the long-awaited Closed Beta Test for Marvel Rivals is in progress and players are eagerly searching for codes and ways to access the game. Meanwhile, those who have gained access are focused on creating powerful combinations and strategizing in order to defeat their rivals.

In Marvel Rivals, characters are categorized into three groups: Vanguard, Duelist, and Strategists, similar to Overwatch’s Tank, Damage, and Support. With 21 playable characters in the CBT, gamers are already evaluating their favorite characters based on their skills.

If you happen to be one of those individuals, we have an ideal tier list that can assist you in selecting your preferred character for your next game of Marvel Rivals.

Marvel Rivals heroes fighting
NetEase Games

Marvel Rivals features a massive roster across three character classes.

Marvel Rivals Character Tier List

Tier Characters
S Hela, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Luna Snow
A Loki, Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon
B Mantis, Magik, Spider-Man, The Punisher, Namor, Magneto, Peni Parker
C Storm, Hulk, Iron Man, Black Panther

Our tiers explained

Here is a quick reference guide for each tier breakdown:

  • S: The best characters in the game
  • A: Very good characters offering an alternative to other options
  • B: There might be situations where these characters can perform well
  • C: Best to avoid unless you find yourself drawn to them

Next, we will thoroughly examine each character on our Marvel Rivals tier list and arrange them in order from highest to lowest ranking.

Ranking of Marvel Rivals Vanguard, Duelist, and Strategist Characters


Hela remains the same.

Hela cover Marvel Rivals
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Asgardian Goddess of Death, Hela is one of the most powerful characters in Rivals.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Nightsword Thorn – Launch Nightsword thorns.
  • The ability of Goddess of Death (Q) allows the user to fly up into the sky and release Nastrond Crows from both hands as desired.
  • Astral Flock (LShift) – Use this ability to transform into a flock of Hel crows and glide forward. Press the same key again to revert back to your original form.
  • The Soul Drainer (E) ability allows you to project a Hel sphere that explodes and stuns enemies in close proximity.
  • Piercing Night (Right Click) – Launch a barrage of Nightsword thorns that explode after a short delay.
  • The Nastrond Crowstorm (Passive) ability causes a Nastrond Crow to be generated upon defeating an enemy, which will then explode after a certain amount of time.
  • The passive ability, Hel’s Descent, allows the player to hold down the Space bar in order to descend slowly.
  • Passive Team-Up Abilities: Queen of Hel – When Hela delivers the final blow to defeat an enemy, she has the ability to instantly resurrect Loki during the respawn phase. If Loki is already alive, a Nastrond Crow will appear and bestow blue armor upon him.

Hela is a dominant force in Marvel Rivals as a duelist. With her impressive long-range abilities, she can easily overpower opponents on any map. Her Nightsword Thorns attack is particularly deadly, delivering powerful headshots and swiftly taking out enemies with just a few shots.

Although there may be a learning curve when using Hela in a Rivals match, once you become familiar with her abilities, she becomes a formidable hero that is difficult to defeat. With the ability to transform into a Crow, you can quickly teleport near the enemy team to inflict damage. Additionally, you can take to the sky and gain a strategic advantage by firing energy pulses at enemies below from a vantage point.

Despite having lower max health than most heroes, the Goddess of Death’s ultimate abilities in Rivals are incredibly overpowered and have the potential to completely shift the tide of a team’s performance. She excels in her role as the Goddess of Death.

The person known as Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet Witch cover Marvel Rivals
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Scarlet Witch’s abilities can wipe out entire teams in Marvel Rivals in a flash.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Chaos Control – Utilize Chaos Magic to both damage enemies and replenish Chaos Energy.
  • Reality Erasure (Q) – Initiate free-flight while building up energy, then release it to inflict significant damage.
  • Mystic Projection (LShift) – Activate free-flight mode by entering the Projection state. Press the same key again to exit early.
  • The Dark Seal (E) ability allows you to strike a target or the surrounding area. Alternatively, you can press the button again to create a Force Field that will Stun enemies in its proximity at regular intervals.
  • Telekinesis (Space) – When holding Space, the user can slow their descent.
  • Chthonian Burst (Right Click) – Utilize Chaos Energy to launch explosive magic missiles, causing harm to adversaries.
  • Team-Up Abilities (Passive): Chaotic Bond – Scarlet Witch can imbue Magneto’s greatsword with Chaos Energy, enhancing its power. When empowered, Magneto can unleash devastating attacks with his enchanted greatsword, decimating any foes in his path.

Despite having low defensive capabilities, Scarlet Witch is the most dominant character in Marvel Rivals due to her incredible offensive skills. Using Chaos Magic, she can inflict tremendous close-range damage and has the ability to fly invisibly across the map, making her a formidable opponent to deceive and defeat enemies.

Despite her potential to be a formidable opponent, it is when she uses her ultimate ability, Reality Erasure, that she truly becomes a danger to the enemy team. Similar to her overpowered counterpart in the Marvel Universe, she effortlessly eliminates entire teams in a matter of seconds. With unparalleled mastery of Dark Magic, she surpasses all other sorcerers on the roster and is a dominant presence in Rivals.

The individual known as Doctor Strange remains the same.

Doctor Strange cover Marvel Rivals
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Doctor Strange is one of the best Vanguard heroes in Marvel Rivals.


  • The default attack, activated by clicking the left mouse button, involves casting the Daggers of Denak forward.
  • The Eye of Agamotto (Q) ability allows you to detach the Souls of enemies in close proximity and redirect any damage inflicted on these Souls to their physical bodies.
  • The Cloak of Levitation (LShift) allows the user to ascend and briefly maintain a state of flight.
  • Maelstrom of Madness (E) – Unleash a burst of Dark Magic to inflict damage upon nearby enemies.
  • The Pentagram of Farallah (F) is used to open portals between two locations, allowing for all units to easily travel through them.
  • The Shield of the Seraphim (Right Click) allows you to create a protective barrier that defends against damage.
  • Magic Price (Passive) – Each time Doctor Strange strikes an enemy, his Dark Magic reserves grow. Failure to unleash this Dark Magic will result in Doctor Strange becoming vulnerable to Anti-Heal effects.
  • Team-Up Abilities: Gamma Maelstrom – Hulk imbues Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. If Doctor Strange activates Maelstrom of Madness, he will unleash the extra gamma energy. When Iron Man initiates Armor Overdrive, he will also trigger a gamma enhancement.

Doctor Strange is widely considered the top Vanguard hero in the game, with abilities that are highly sought after by players. As a formidable sorcerer, he serves as the front line for any team and utilizes his mystical powers and dark magic to deliver devastating damage to enemies.

Despite the presence of other abilities in the game, his Pentagram of Farallah remains unmatched. With the power to create portals to and from any location on the map, this ability allows teammates to quickly move across the battlefield. In addition, strategic placement of the portals can deceive enemies and lead them into an ambush.

In addition, you have the ability to fly and call upon a shield to protect yourself from incoming projectile damage. This can be particularly advantageous at the beginning of a match.

Luna Snow is the name of the character.

Luna Snow Marvel Rivals cover
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Luna Snow is the perfect support for those who love to heal and deal damage at the same time.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Light & Dark Ice – Launch ice projectiles that can harm enemies or restore the health of allies.
  • The spotlight is on you in Fate of Both Worlds (Q)! Showcase your moves and switch between two acts: healing your allies or giving them a boost in damage.
  • Ice Arts (LShift) – Release ice shards for a brief period, dealing damage to enemies or restoring health to allies while also replenishing her own health.
  • Share the Stage (E) – Grant Idol Aura to a teammate. Teammates with Idol Aura will also receive Health restoration when Luna Snow heals others.
  • The skill Absolute Zero (Right Click) allows you to cast a chunk of ice at an enemy, freezing them and restoring your health at the same time.
  • Cryo Heart (Passive) – Health is automatically restored while casting Ice Arts or Absolute Zero.
  • Smooth Skate (Passive) – Begin ice skating by staying in motion.
  • Team-Up Abilities (Passive): Icy Disco – Luna Snow imbues Namor with ice energy, allowing him to access and enhance his abilities at his discretion.

Luna Snow is renowned as the strongest healer among the Marvel Rivals heroes. Her unique ability allows her to glide across the map while simultaneously providing healing support to her teammates within a specific area.

Additionally, she has the ability to shoot ice shards that can inflict damage on enemies while simultaneously healing a selected ally. Furthermore, her ultimate move can either increase the team’s damage output or heal them while they engage in combat against the enemy team.

Luna Snow ensures that you are constantly engaged on the map, whether it be healing or dealing damage. Her move-set ranks among the top in Marvel Rivals, providing an exceptional gameplay experience.


Loki is the name of a character.

Marvel Rivals cover for Loki
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Loki is the perfect hero for tricking enemies in Marvel Rivals.


  • Left-click to use Normal Attack: Mystical Missile – Launch a barrage of Mystical Missiles to either heal allies or inflict damage on enemies.
  • The deity of Trickery, Q, has the power to transform into any chosen ally or enemy hero and utilize their entire set of abilities.
  • The Regeneration Domain (LShift) allows for the creation of a magical field using Rune Stones. This field has the ability to convert any damage suffered by allies within its radius into healing energy.
  • The Doppelganger (E) skill allows for the creation of an illusion that can mimic certain abilities of Loki.
  • Devious Exchange (F) – Exchange the selected illusion with another.
  • Backstab (V) – Draw a dagger and strike at enemies from behind, dealing additional damage.
  • Deception (Right Click) – Use this ability to turn invisible and create an illusion in order to trick your enemies.
  • Team-Up Abilities: Laufeyson Reborn (Passive) – When Hela delivers the final blow to defeat an enemy, she has the ability to immediately resurrect Loki during the respawn phase. If Loki is already alive, a Nastrond Crow will appear and provide him with blue armor.

Playing as Loki in Marvel Rivals is always an entertaining experience, thanks to his clever tactics and unpredictable moves that never fail to confuse the opposing players. His exceptional Strategist skills can be a game-changer, but only if the user has truly mastered Loki’s unique gameplay style.

Despite the learning curve required to master Loki’s abilities – such as creating multiple projections of himself or mimicking an opponent’s powers – he is a valuable asset to any team in their mission to foil the enemy team’s plans and deceive them.

Leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy

Star Lord cover Marvel Rivals
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Star-Lord’s Element Guns are the best weapons in the game.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Element Guns – Use dual Element Guns to shoot at enemies.
  • Galactic Legend (Q) – Take to the skies and target any visible enemies in free-flight mode.
  • Rocket Propulsion (LShift) – Propel and surge ahead.
  • Blaster Barrage (E) – Unleash a barrage of shots, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Stellar Shift (Right Click) – Quickly reload while dodging in the direction of movement.

Another strong Duelist on the roster is Star-Lord, known for his lethal damage output in the game. This is due to his Element Guns and jet boots, which allow him to constantly maneuver and attack. His ultimate ability is a powerful aimbot that locks onto enemies while flying and can quickly dodge incoming attacks.

With his heightened awareness, Star-Lord has the ability to pinpoint a vulnerable healer on the opposing team and swiftly defeat them from above. He possesses the skills to evade difficult situations and strategize for his next offensive move.

Groot is a character from the Marvel universe.

Big cover Marvel Rivals
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Groot is a hero you want to base the rest of your team around in Marvel Rivals.


  • The Normal Attack (Left Click) is called Vine Strike, which involves launching vines at enemies as a form of attack.
  • The Strangling Prison (Q) ability involves firing a large cluster of vines that draws in nearby enemies and traps them in place.
  • The ability Thornlash Wall (LShift) allows you to select a spot and create a Thornlash Wall. Once Awakened, it will attack enemies in close proximity who have been targeted by Groot or his allies.
  • The Ironwood Wall (E) ability allows you to select a location and create a sturdy wall of Ironwood. When Awakened, this wall will provide Groot with Bonus Health whenever nearby enemies are damaged.
  • Spore Bomb (Right Click) – Launch a Spore Bomb that explodes into numerous smaller spores.
  • The Flora Colossus (Passive) ability causes wooden walls to come to life when near Groot, triggering an additional effect.
  • Rocket Raccoon has a passive Team-Up Ability called “Friendly Shoulder”in which he can ride on Groot’s shoulders and receive Damage Reduction.

Groot, a Vanguard hero on the Marvel Rivals roster, excels at creating walls that serve as barriers to allow teammates to strategize or heal while under pressure. While his healing abilities may not be impressive, Groot’s resilience allows him to withstand a significant amount of damage and deal considerable harm to enemies.

Groot’s ultimate ability ensnares enemies in a tangle of vines, providing your team with valuable extra time to inflict damage. However, his powers are most effectively utilized when he constantly summons walls to impede enemies from charging towards your team while you strategize your attack.

Rocket Raccoon is a popular character from the Marvel Comics universe.

Rocket Raccoon cover Marvel Rivals
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Rocket Raccoon’s ability to support teammates is extremely helpful in the game.


  • Normal Attack 1 (Left Click): Bombard Mode – Launch energy projectiles that cause damage.
  • Repair Mode (Right Click): Normal Attack 2 – Launch bouncing spheres to restore health to allies.
  • C.Y.A. – Cosmic Yarn Amplifier (Q) – Activate a Cosmic Yarn Amplifier to provide allies with a Damage Boost.
  • Jetpack Dash (LShift) – Use this ability to quickly dash forward.
  • B.R.B. – Battle Rebirth Beacon (E) – Place a Rebirth Beacon that can revive a downed teammate and also generates armor and rocket jet packs at regular intervals.
  • Wild Crawl (Passive) – Press and hold Space to traverse walls.
  • The passive ability Flying Ace allows players to fall slowly by holding the Space key.
  • Team-Up Ability 1 (C): Old Friends – Rocket Racoon can team up with Groot, riding on his shoulders and gaining Damage Reduction.
  • Team-Up Ability 2 (Z): Ammo Invention – Rocket Raccoon launches an Ammo Overload Device towards the designated target direction. Once inside the device’s range, The Punisher gains the benefits of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing.

In Marvel Rivals, playing with Rocket Raccoon’s small stature can be incredibly enjoyable. He wields a powerful gun that inflicts high amounts of damage. This weapon is most effective when you are on the move and perched on Groot’s shoulder, attacking enemies together.

Despite not significantly contributing to a team’s chances of winning, Rocket’s support capabilities, such as replenishing The Punisher’s ammo and healing teammates, can be valuable during gameplay. If you prefer a character on your team who focuses on supporting others rather than being on the offensive, Rocket with his impressive technology is a reliable choice.


Mantis is a type of insect.

Mantis cover Marvel Rivals
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Mantis’ healing and abilities are a crucial support to any team.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Life Energy Blast – Unleash an energy thorn, which has a chance to critically strike and restore one Life Orb upon impact.
  • Soul Resurgence (Q) – As she moves, she releases energy that grants surrounding allies a Healing Over Time effect and a Movement Boost.
  • Spore Slumber (LShift) – Use this ability to throw a spore at the nearest enemy, causing them to become sedated.
  • Allied Inspiration (E) – Use Life Orbs to give allies a boost in damage.
  • Natural Anger (F) – She can grant herself a Damage Boost by consuming Life Orbs.
  • When you right click on the Healing Flower, it will consume Life Orbs and provide allies with a Healing Over Time effect.
  • Nature’s Favor (Passive) – While not injured, gain a Movement Boost and receive Healing Over Time upon consuming Life Orbs.

Although Mantis is primarily known as a healer in Marvel Rivals, her strategic skills in absorbing Life Orbs and using them to heal allies or enhance their attacks make her an invaluable ally. Her powers become even more deadly due to the fact that her shots have a minimal cooldown, allowing for continuous use.

Despite Mantis’ own damage count being slightly lower than that of more powerful heroes, her role as a support hero is still satisfying. This is unless she is faced with a team consisting solely of deadly Duelists and Vanguards.

Magik is the name of a sorcerer.

Magik cover Marvel Rivals
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Magik’s mighty sword and powers are perfect to counter sorcerers like Doctor Strange.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Soulsword – Use the Soulsword to slash forward.
  • Darkchild (Q) – Transforms into Darkchild, granting her enhanced abilities in all areas.
  • Stepping Discs (LShift) – By stepping onto a Stepping Disc, you will be teleported a short distance in the direction you are moving.
  • Umbral Incursion (E) – Execute a forward dash and send an enemy flying upward.
  • Eloritch Whirl (Left Click) – Execute a spinning motion while swinging the Soulsword after emerging from a Stepping Disc.
  • The Magik Slash (Right Click) ability allows the user to strike forward with an air slash.
  • When the “Demon’s Rage”ability is activated by right-clicking, a Limbo demon will be summoned and will attack enemies upon exiting a Stepping Disc.
  • The passive ability of Limbo, known as Limbo’s Might, allows her to convert damage dealt to enemies into additional health for herself.
  • Magik’s Team-Up Ability (C) is the Disc Master, which allows her to open a portal that Black Panther can utilize.

Magik is a powerful sorcerer and skilled Duelist, wielding a massive sword reminiscent of those in Final Fantasy 7. As an aggressive hero, she inflicts fatal damage on her opponents and also has the ability to gain health when attacking, making her playstyle even more formidable.

Her sword is her primary weapon for close combat, making strategic placement crucial. This is where her ability to summon discs and use them as stepping stones becomes invaluable for swift teleportation. While Magik can evade difficult scenarios, she remains susceptible to long-range fighters such as Luna Snow or Hela.

Spider-Man is a superhero known for his spidey senses and ability to climb walls.

Spider-Man cover in Marvel Rivals
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Spider-Man’s quick traversal abilities enable him to deal damage to enemies on the move.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Spider-Power – Swing your fists forward to strike, dealing additional damage to enemies marked with a Spider-Tracer.
  • The ability Spectacular Spin (Q) involves launching Web-Clusters in all directions to stun and harm enemies.
  • Web-Swing (LShift) – Use a strand of webbing to swing.
  • Use the “Get Over Here!”(E) ability to shoot webbing and pull in the targeted enemy. If the enemy is already tagged with a Spider-Tracer, instead of pulling them towards you, Spider-Man will be pulled towards them.
  • The Amazing Combo (F) move will send an enemy flying into the air, causing additional damage by utilizing a Spider-Tracer.
  • Thwip and Flip (Space) – Execute a double jump.
  • Web-Cluster (Right Click) – Unleash a Web-Cluster that inflicts damage and affixes a Spider-Tracer onto the targeted enemy.
  • Spider-Sense (Passive) – Provides a warning of nearby enemies.
  • The Wall Crawl ability (Passive) allows you to crawl on vertical surfaces by pressing Space, and to run on them by pressing Left Click.

Despite criticism towards many Marvel Rivals heroes for their limited mobility, Spider-Man excels in this area. With exceptional speed and an enjoyable playing style, he offers the ability to continuously swing across the map and deliver powerful attacks to enemies.

Spider-Man’s skills involve trading blows with multiple adversaries in rapid succession and ensnaring them in webs across a wide area. He is best utilized as a hit-and-run character, using deception to outmaneuver opponents.

Despite this, he is not the most skilled Duelist when it comes to long-range combat. However, with strategic use of cover and the element of surprise, he can still be effective in battle.

The Punisher, a popular Marvel character,

Punisher Cover in Marvel Rivals
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The Punisher’s arsenal deals some serious damage.


  • Normal Attack 1 (Left Click): Adjudication – Fire at enemies with Adjudication, his Automatic Rifle
  • Normal Attack 2 (Left Click): Deliverance – Fire at enemies with Deliverance, his Shotgun
  • Final Judgement (Q) – Release a barrage of bullets and missiles to strike at foes.
  • The Vantage Connection (LShift) allows Punisher to quickly move by pressing F, with the help of a generated cable launched by a hook.
  • Culling Turret (E) – Summon a Culling Turret which not only immobilizes the Punisher, but also inflicts significant damage.
  • The Scourge Grenade (Right Click) allows you to throw a Smoke Grenade forward, effectively obstructing the vision of your enemies.
  • The passive skill, Warrior’s Gaze, allows you to maintain vision of enemies who disappear from view for a brief period of time.
  • Team-Up Abilities (Passive): Infinite Punishment – Rocket Raccoon tosses an Ammo Overload Device in the designated direction. When The Punisher enters the device’s radius, he gains the benefits of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing.

Despite being a highly skilled and tactical character, the Punisher falls short of his higher-tier hero counterparts in Marvel Rivals. His impressive weapons arsenal, which includes a Shotgun, Machine Gun, and a Smoke Grenade, provides strong support to his team’s attack line as a Duelist. However, he is unable to surpass the abilities of the top-ranked heroes. It is worth noting that his Smoke Grenade, while effective, could benefit from a longer duration.

While he may not excel in any particular situation, his ultimate ability, which deploys a turret, is extremely enjoyable to use as it can eliminate enemies who have just respawned. He is capable in most scenarios, but does not have a clear advantage in any.

Namor is still the same.

Namor cover Marvel Rivals
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Namor’s mighty aquatic abilities act as perfect shields to allies.


  • The Trident of Neptune is used for a Normal Attack (Left Click). It is thrown forward, and when it hits an enemy, it reduces the cooldown of Aquatic Dominion.
  • The Horn of Proteus (Q) allows for the summoning of Giganto, who will leap onto nearby enemies.
  • The Blessing of the Deep (LShift) allows Namor to summon a protective barrier while ascending, which not only shields him but also prevents him from moving or using any skills for the duration.
  • The ability Aquatic Dominion (E) allows the summoning of a Monstro Spawn to attack enemies independently.
  • The Wrath of the Seven Seas ability can be activated by right clicking. It allows you to throw your trident at nearby enemies, causing damage. Additionally, all Monstro Spawn will focus their attack on the nearest enemy that was hit by the trident, resulting in an enhanced attack.
  • Luna Snow and Namor have a Team-Up Ability (C) called Frozen Spawn. This allows Luna Snow to transfer her ice energy to Namor, who can then utilize it to enhance his abilities whenever needed.

Despite being the god of the oceans, Namor is a hero in Marvel Rivals who is often perceived as underpowered due to the lack of damage from his Aquaman-style Trident. However, when his ultimate ability is activated and he summons sea creatures to join the fight, they prove to be a formidable force when used strategically against enemy teams.

Despite not being as formidable as a solo hero, Namor becomes a force to be reckoned with when he combines his abilities with Luna Snow’s through their team-up move. His use of ice energy in his Trident shots makes him a deadly opponent.

Magneto is the name of a fictional character known for his powerful abilities to control magnetic fields.

Magneto cover Marvel Rivals
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Magneto can spam his abilities to overthrow enemy forces as a Vanguard.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Iron Volley – Launch a barrage of magnetic orbs in a forward direction.
  • Meteor M (Q) allows for the manipulation of the magnetic field to attract matter and projectiles, resulting in the creation of a large iron meteor. The impact of this meteor causes extensive damage to the designated area.
  • The Metallic Curtain (LShift) allows for the manipulation of magnetic fields to create a barrier that blocks all incoming projectiles in flight.
  • Metal Bulwark (E) – Summon a metal shield to envelop a selected ally. Any inflicted damage will be converted into rings on Magneto’s back.
  • Mag-Cannon (Right Click) – Activate Magneto’s Mag-Cannon by converting the iron rings on his back into a powerful weapon. The amount of rings stacked will determine the damage and can also knock back enemies when fully stacked.
  • Magnetic Descent (Passive) – Press and hold the Space key to descend slowly.
  • Team-Up Abilities (C): Metallic Fusion – Scarlet Witch is able to infuse Magneto’s greatsword with Chaos Energy, enhancing its power. With this added strength, Magneto can use his enchanted greatsword to strike down enemies with great force.

Magneto is a formidable Vanguard, capable of enduring deadly blows and swiftly defeating enemies with his primary attack. He can also utilize his abilities to overpower any opposing duelists on the battlefield.

Magneto is capable of effortlessly manipulating an area’s magnetic field, allowing him to launch meteors that inflict devastating damage upon his enemies. Additionally, his shield is highly effective at deflecting incoming attacks, although it can limit his mobility and may not always be the best strategy in certain scenarios.

Peni Parker is the same person.

Peni Parker cover Marvel Rivals
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Peni Parker’s Cyber Webs and armored suit are well-rounded abilities for a team.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Cyber-Web Cluster – Activate a Cyber-Web Cluster to be launched forward.
  • The Spider-Sweeper (Q) ability upgrades the SP//dr suit by pushing back any enemies in its way and continuously deploying Arachno-Mines, Spider-Drones, and Cyber-Webs.
  • Bionic Spider-Nest (LShift) – This ability allows you to create a Spider-Nest at a specific location. The nest will periodically spawn Spider-Drones and create Cyber-Webs.
  • Arachno-Mine (E) – Release Arachno-Mines that can be hidden within a Cyber-Web.
  • Cyber-Bond (F) – Release a web strand that connects to the designated location or Cyber-Web. If extended beyond its capacity, it will automatically retract.
  • Wall Crawl (Space) – Press and hold Space to crawl on vertical surfaces.
  • The ability “Cyber-Web Snare”(activated by right clicking) casts advanced webbing that immobilizes enemies upon contact and generates a Cyber-Web upon impact.

Peni Parker’s role as a fragger on a Marvel Rivals team is unmatched. Despite being a part of the Vanguard class and having a high health pool of 600, her true strength lies in strategically placing traps in key areas where enemy players are likely to spawn or rotate to, thanks to her advanced SP//DER armor. This makes her an invaluable asset in securing victories for her team.

In the game, you have the ability to summon spider bots, lay mines, and even recall your last position by laying web strands to reach a safe area when faced with danger. However, despite being a fully equipped Vanguard, Peni’s effectiveness may not meet your expectations. This is not to say she is inadequate, but rather requires a specialized skillset to be utilized effectively.



Storm Hero cover in Marvel Rivals
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Storm’s strategist abilities enable her to boost ally damage and speed.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Wind Blade – Unleash a barrage of Wind Blades that pierce through enemies in front of you.
  • Omega Hurricane (Q) allows you to transform into a powerful hurricane that draws in nearby enemies and inflicts damage upon them.
  • Weather Control (LShift) – Use this ability to enhance your allies with different weather effects: Tornado grants increased movement speed, while Thunder provides a boost in damage.
  • Goddess Boost (E) – Tap into the power of the elements to enhance Storm’s abilities; Tornado provides a speed boost, Thunder increases damage output and summons lightning to strike enemies.
  • The ability Bolt Rush (activated by right clicking) allows you to release a powerful lightning bolt in front of you.

Despite being one of the strongest mutants on the X-Men squad, Storm’s abilities are underwhelming in Marvel Rivals. In the game, she is classified as a Duelist, but her gameplay is better suited for a Strategist role, specializing in providing support for allies by increasing their damage and movement speed in a specific area.

Storm’s ultimate ability, which transforms her into a hurricane, is only useful in a particular location. This restricts her movement and pace, making her less efficient in comparison to other heroes who possess greater agility and inflict greater damage.

The individual known as Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, is a subject of interest.

Marvel Rivals Hulk Keyart
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Hulk offers a unique experience being a Vanguard in Marvel Rivals.


  • Normal Attack (Left Click): Heavy Blow – Swing fists forward to punch enemies
  • The ability “Hulk Smash!”(Q) allows for the release of stored gamma energy, resulting in a transformation from Hero Hulk to Monster Hulk for a limited time.
  • The ability Indestructible Guard (LShift) allows Hero Hulk to create gamma shields for himself and his nearby allies. These shields absorb incoming damage and convert it into energy, which can then be used to unleash the powerful attack known as HULK SMASH!
  • The ability Radioactive Lockdown (E) releases gamma energy that traps enemies in a quantum void, rendering them unable to move and immune to any ability effects.
  • Incredible Leap (Space) – By holding down the Space key, Hero Hulk can execute a powerful leap that can knock a flying enemy to the ground.
  • The ability Gamma Burst (Right Click) allows you to release gamma-ray bursts, causing damage to your enemies.
  • Team-Up Abilities (Passive): Gamma Boost Hulk imbues Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. This allows Doctor Strange to unleash excess gamma energy when using Maelstrom of Madness and triggers a gamma upgrade for Iron Man when he activates Armor Overdrive.

Hulk, a powerful Vanguard hero in Marvel Rivals, boasts a considerable amount of health and formidable brawler skills. By leaping and smashing through enemies, you can clear a path for your Duelists to execute their attacks.

Despite his impressive ultimate ability, where he gains strength and lifts an enemy to smash them, there is room for improvement. During the few seconds of being stuck, you are unable to move around freely. Additionally, his limited mobility can be disappointing due to the cooldown required before being able to leap higher.

While the concept of defeating everyone on the map may seem enjoyable, it loses its appeal when you’re simply running after others to inflict damage and end up being transformed into the vulnerable Puny Banner due to your low health of 200 HP.

The superhero known as Iron Man is a prominent character.

Iron Man Marvel Rivals cover
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While Iron Man’s Repulsor and Unibeam promise significant damage, his TTK falls short.


  • Normal Attack 1 (Left Click): Repulsor Blast – Launches nano pulse cannons forward.
  • Normal Attack 2 (Right Click): Unibeam – Launch a unibeam in the direction of your choice.
  • The Invincible Pulse Cannon (Q) unleashes a powerful energy blast in the designated direction, inflicting massive destruction to the specified location upon impact.
  • Hyper-Velocity (LShift) – Engage the Hyper-Velocity mode to enable rapid forward movement.
  • Armor Overdrive (E) – When triggered, this ability activates the Armor Overdrive state, boosting the damage dealt by Repulsor Blast and Unibeam.
  • When Iron Man activates Hyper-Velocity or Armor Overdrive, he is able to unleash a barrage of micro-missiles known as the Micro-Missile Barrage (F).
  • Team-Up Abilities (E): Gamma Overdrive – When Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation, it grants them a powerful boost. This is particularly evident when Doctor Strange activates his Maelstrom of Madness, unleashing the excess gamma energy. Additionally, Iron Man’s Armor Overdrive will also trigger a gamma upgrade as a result.

Despite being a highly anticipated character in the Marvel Rivals universe, Iron Man fails to live up to expectations when it comes to taking down formidable enemies on the opposing team. Although he possesses the ability to fly and utilize his Repulsors and Unibeam to inflict damage, he is susceptible to being outmatched by faster adversaries such as Hela and Scarlet Witch.

Despite Iron Man’s ultimate ability releasing a powerful pulse that can significantly damage enemies in a wide area, his defense mechanisms and ability to defeat enemies are still underwhelming compared to higher-tier heroes.

The movie Black Panther is an iconic and groundbreaking film.

Black Panther cover Marvel Rivals
NetEase Games

Black Panther’s melee abilities and quick reflexes fail against more powerful heroes.


  • Basic Attack (Left Click): Vibranium Claws – Thrust Vibranium Claws forward.
  • Bast’s Descent (Q) – Invoke Bast’s power, launching her forward to strike enemies and apply a Vibranium Mark upon impact.
  • Sprint Rend (LShift) – Propel yourself forward and inflict damage upon enemies. Striking an enemy already affected by a Vibranium Mark grants additional Health and renews the skill’s effect.
  • Spinning Kick (E) – Execute a spiraling forward kick and attach a Vibranium Mark to strike enemies.
  • Subtle Step (Space) – Press and hold the Space key to run on a wall; release to detach and perform a jump.
  • Spear Toss (Right Click) – Launch a Vibranium energy spear ahead, generating a Vibranium Force Field and affixing a Vibranium Mark to nearby enemies.
  • The Panther’s Cunning passive ability allows for increased damage to be dealt when the user’s Health is low.
  • Collaborative Abilities (C): Djalia Disc – Magik creates a portal that Black Panther can utilize.

Despite the potential to love playing as Black Panther, his melee skills are ultimately underwhelming and only become truly useful when combined with his ability to mark enemies. While he possesses comparable agility and speed to Spider-Man, his attacking abilities are lacking in comparison to heroes with strong long-range attacks.

Despite his shortcomings as a teammate, Black Panther’s abilities as a Duelist can still be utilized to strike an enemy first, allowing another hero to finish off the opponent for you.

This is our Marvel Rivals tier list featuring the top-performing characters available for use.

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