Ranking the 10 Worst Mothers in Anime History

The most horrific mothers in anime leave permanent scars on their children and significantly impact the storyline, illustrating how damaging a maternal figure can be. While many anime explore the intricate journey of parenthood, some dive into stark coldness and cruelty.

These characters embody neglect, manipulation, and abuse, instilling fear and desperation in their offspring. Their actions often trigger pivotal plot developments and character growth, revealing the darker aspects of familial relationships. Here are ten of the worst mothers in anime, ranked from least to most cruel.

Disclaimer: This article represents the author’s opinion and contains spoilers from various anime.

Saika Gasai, Akemi Hinazuki, and 8 Other Worst Mothers in Anime Ranked by Cruelty

10) Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)

Medusa Gorgon as depicted in anime (Image via Studio Bones)
Medusa Gorgon as depicted in anime (Image via Studio Bones)

Medusa Gorgon epitomizes the malevolently toxic parent archetype through her maltreatment and torment of her son, Crona. Instead of nurturing him, she exploits Crona for her wicked schemes, subjecting him to a life filled with emotional and psychological torture.

Using Crona as a test subject for her twisted experiments stems from her insatiable thirst for power, disregarding any concern for his needs. The dynamic creates an incredibly troubled relationship, leading Crona to forever battle with self-worth and identity. Her actions instill a pervasive cycle of fear and despair in Crona, marking her as one of the worst mothers in anime.

9) Sayu’s Mother (Higehiro)

Sayu's mother in anime (Image via Project No.9)
Sayu’s mother in anime (Image via Project No.9)

Sayu’s mother in the anime Higehiro embodies the most detrimental aspects of motherhood through her neglectful and abusive conduct. Her self-centered desires eclipse her daughter’s needs, creating an unhealthy dynamic that leaves Sayu feeling unwanted and unloved. Instead of providing emotional support, she subjects her daughter to verbal stones of hurt.

This merciless attitude thrusts Sayu into precarious and vulnerable situations, amplifying her isolation. This sets the stage for Sayu’s struggles throughout the series, revealing the profound effects of her mother’s actions. With her brutality and inability to shelter her child, Sayu’s mother is undoubtedly one of the worst mothers in anime.

8) Ren Sohma (Fruits Basket)

Ren Sohma as seen in anime (Image via TMS Entertainment)
Ren Sohma as seen in anime (Image via TMS Entertainment)

Ren Sohma, Akito’s mother in Fruits Basket, ranks among the worst mothers in anime due to her ruthless manipulation and emotional abuse. Her parenting instills fear and control within Akito, creating an environment rife with resentment. Obsessed with the Sohma family’s curse, Ren neglects Akito’s emotional needs, leading to profound psychological trauma.

Her chilling demeanor and abusive tactics throw Akito into a cycle of manipulation, completely stripping away any semblance of love and support. Instead, Ren views her child as a mere tool, exploiting motherly affection to achieve her own ambitions.

7) Hiromi Shiota (Assassination Classroom)

Hiromi Shiota in anime (Image via Lerche)
Hiromi Shiota in anime (Image via Lerche)

Within Assassination Classroom, Hiromi Shiota exemplifies one of the worst mothers in anime due to her oppressive tendencies over her son, Nagisa. Unable to accept his identity, she imposes her will by forcing him into a feminine appearance, from clothing to hairstyles that do not reflect his true self.

This vicious manipulation invades Nagisa’s personal space, making him feel trapped and resentful. Hiromi’s controlling nature completely disregards her son’s individuality, resulting in emotional turmoil and confusion, firmly placing her on the list of the worst mothers in anime.

6) Saika Gasai (Future Diary)

Saika Gasai with her husband in anime (Image via Asread)
Saika Gasai with her husband in anime (Image via Asread)

Saika Gasai from Future Diary is infamous for her abusive and neglectful treatment of her daughter, Yuno. Isolated due to her husband’s constant work commitments, she channeled all her frustrations into Yuno.

This emotional and physical abuse involved imprisoning Yuno in a cage and subjecting her to starvation while labeling her as a “bad daughter.”Saika’s erratic displays of affection intertwined with guilt distorted Yuno’s understanding of love, leading to severe psychological issues. This toxic dynamic stunted Yuno’s growth, driving her toward violent acts.

5) Marianne Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Marianne Vi Britannia in anime (Image via Sunrise)
Marianne Vi Britannia in anime (Image via Sunrise)

Marianne Vi Britannia illustrates the quintessential manipulative and self-serving mother. Contrary to her facade as an affectionate figure, she aligns perfectly with her husband, Emperor Charles, both seeking absolute power. She perceives her children, Lelouch and Nunnally, as mere instruments to fulfill her ambitions instead of recognizing them as individuals.

Beneath her mask of care lies a ruthless persona; she is willing to sacrifice her children’s well-being for her insatiable power, solidifying her position as one of the vilest mothers in anime history.

4) Akemi Hinazuki (Erased)

Akemi Hinazuki in anime (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Akemi Hinazuki in anime (Image via A-1 Pictures)

Akemi Hinazuki from Erased embodies maternal cruelty through her extensive torture faced by her daughter, Kayo. Akemi doesn’t just neglect Kayo but often resorts to psychological torment, isolating her from forming meaningful relationships and depriving her of a normal childhood.

Her heartless behavior remains evident even as Kayo faces danger. Akemi’s chilling lack of empathy has devastating consequences on Kayo’s mental state, cementing her place as one of the worst mothers in anime.

3) Isabella (The Promised Neverland)

Isabella in anime (Image via CloverWorks)
Isabella in anime (Image via CloverWorks)

Isabella from The Promised Neverland is a haunting illustration of how cruel intentions can masquerade as maternal love. As a caregiver designated to protect orphaned children, she wins their trust before leading them to their tragic fates as food for demons.

Her actions stem from calculated motives rather than desperation, demonstrating a chilling understanding of the system in which she operates. Isabella nurtures the children in a facade of love only to betray them at a crucial moment. Her readiness to sacrifice innocent lives effortlessly secures her position as one of the worst mothers in anime.

2) Cordelia Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)

Cordelia Sakamaki in anime (Image via Zexcs)
Cordelia Sakamaki in anime (Image via Zexcs)

Cordelia Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers exemplifies maternal neglect and cruelty. The daughter of a demon lord, she exhibits no maternal instincts towards her triplet sons, Kanato, Ayato, and Laito. Her treatment of Kanato is particularly cruel, forcing him to sing until his vocal cords are damaged.

Ayato constantly faces harsh criticism and physical abuse in his desperate attempts to earn her approval. Cordelia’s blatant disregard for her children’s well-being subjects them to severe psychological and physical torment, establishing her as one of the most sadistic mothers in anime.

1) Ragyo Kiryuin (Kill La Kill)

Ragyo Kiryuin in anime (Image via Trigger)
Ragyo Kiryuin in anime (Image via Trigger)

Ragyo Kiryuin exploits her daughters, subjecting them to abhorrent experiments and emotional torment. She views her children merely as instruments to fulfill her grandiose objectives, completely disregarding their lives. Ragyo’s brutal treatment includes even abandoning one of her daughters, demonstrating an utter lack of maternal affection.

Her physical and emotional abuse has forever altered her family’s dynamics, positioning Ragyo as the most heartless and destructive parental figure, solidifying her rank as the top three worst mothers in anime.

Final Thoughts

Anime frequently explores the intricacies of motherhood, yet at its darkest, characters like Ragyo Kiryuin, Cordelia Sakamaki, and Isabella illustrate the perils of selfish desires, cruelty, and neglect. These mothers inflict profound emotional damage, leaving their children to face devastating consequences.

Their toxic characteristics not only affect their immediate family but also ripple through the storyline, exposing the potential for destructive parenting. These mothers epitomize the duality of maternal figures, showcasing how they can drastically influence the future of their children, whether in devastating ways or through means of unconditional support.

  • 10 Characters Who Had the Worst Mothers in Anime


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