Ranking the 18 Demons Eliminated by Pochita in Chainsaw Man Manga in Chronological Order

The latest chapters of the Chainsaw Man manga have focused on the pivotal role of Pochita, the Chainsaw Devil, and his power to erase other Devils from existence. When Pochita consumes a Devil, not only is the Devil erased, but also the frightening concept they represent. As a result, human memories and society adapt to fill the void left by these erased beings and ideas.

Despite this, the Chainsaw Man manga has demonstrated twice in recent events that Pochita is capable of regurgitating the Devils he has devoured. The most recent instance of this was with the Mouth and Ear Devils. As fans rejoice over the reappearance of these concepts in the series, they are also left wondering about the total number of Devils that Pochita has eliminated and what their identities are.

Chainsaw Man: Pochita’s Onscreen Devil Erasures

Unnamed devil seen being eaten in chapter 84

The Chainsaw Man manga highlights Pochita's Devil Erasure powers as he erases a Devil in front of readers' eyes (Image via Shueisha)
The Chainsaw Man manga highlights Pochita’s Devil Erasure powers as he erases a Devil in front of readers’ eyes (Image via Shueisha)

In chapter 84 of the Chainsaw Man manga, fans are introduced to the first Devil that Pochita consumes. This unnamed Devil is witnessed by Makima, the Control Devil, as she explains to Kishibe that Pochita’s consumption of Devils results in their names being erased from existence. Pochita is shown consuming this Devil after being transported to Hell.

2) The Dark Side of the Nazi Regime

According to Makima, Pochita consumed the Nazi Devil during the Cold War years, which was a time when fear of Nazis was at its peak following the events of World War II. However, Makima does not provide much information on the subject, other than mentioning it in her conversation with Kishibe. It can be assumed that Pochita consumed the Nazi Devil during this period.

WWII Devil

Despite Pochita’s erasure of the World War II Devil, it appears that the concept of the war itself may have also been wiped from history. It’s important to note that this is distinct from the Nazi Devil, as the Nazis were already established by the late 1930s. However, Makima provides no further details and instead focuses on other Devils eradicated by Pochita.

Arnolone Syndrome Devil

In the Chainsaw Man manga, Pochita is responsible for erasing the Arnolone Syndrome Devil, a Devil that fans are not given any information about. It is likely that Arnolone Syndrome is a form of illness or ailment with severe consequences for the body. This would make sense, as it would require enough fear from humans to manifest as a conceptual Devil.

Service-Oriented Architecture for Devil

In chapter 84 of the Chainsaw Man manga, Makima mentions the name of the SOA Devil to Kishibe but provides no further information. The devil is not given any additional details here as well.

6) The Devil of AIDS

The AIDS Devil is the only one mentioned by Makima that does not need any additional explanation from her, as readers are already familiar with the disease from real life. It is also referred to as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and is essentially the final stage of infection caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

The illness weakens the body’s immune system, leaving it vulnerable to even minor illnesses and ultimately resulting in death.

Nuclear Weapons Devil

The Nuclear Weapons Devil is a well-known concept outside of the Chainsaw Man manga, therefore requiring no explanation or introduction. Its appearance in the story is closely tied to its real-life counterpart, as both were eliminated by Pochita during World War II. However, there is speculation that the War Devil Yoru is determined to revive them and may play a role in Part 2.

Mt. Hio Eruption Devil

Despite being a lesser-known Devil, the Mount Hio Eruption Devil does not receive any further attention or details from fans. Nevertheless, its erasure remains a fascinating mystery, leaving us uncertain about the concept it represents.

It remains uncertain whether Mt. Hio is no longer able to erupt or if the entire mountain has disappeared. Regrettably, fans are still unaware of the current situation at the time of writing.

Sixth Sense Devil

Upon sharing the string of Devil names with Kishibe, Makima proceeds to talk about “the sixth sense that was once possessed by all humans”in the world of Chainsaw Man manga.

Similarly, the erasure of the sixth sense suggests that Pochita may have also eliminated the Sixth Sense Devil. This offers insight into the purpose of the sixth sense, which could have potentially allowed humans to perceive and engage with the supernatural, potentially causing fear in its association.

Light of a Star That Breaks Children’s Minds Devil

Makima’s statement about the disappearance of “the light of a particular star that would break children’s minds”implies that Pochita must have consumed and eliminated a Devil who embodied this idea. This aligns with the belief that a Devil with such a terrifying concept would exist, as it would instill fear in both children and their parents.

11-14) Four Devils representing conclusions other than death at the end of a life

In chapter 84 of the Chainsaw Man manga, Makima concludes her conversation with Kishibe by mentioning that there are “four potential outcomes besides death at the end of living creatures’ lifespans.”

It is uncertain why these other possibilities caused fear, but it is evident that they instilled enough fear to warrant Pochita’s consumption and erasure. This further implies that these conclusions were just as, if not more, dreaded than death itself.

15) War Devil (partially)

War Devil Yoru serves as the Chainsaw Man manga's only example of partial erasure (Image via Shueisha)
War Devil Yoru serves as the Chainsaw Man manga’s only example of partial erasure (Image via Shueisha)

The initial Devil to be consumed in Part 2 of the manga is none other than War Devil Yoru, who is also a prominent character in Part 2. In Chapter 104, Yoru reveals that her power has been weakened due to her body being partially consumed during her previous battle against Pochita.

Despite the concept remaining, no wars have occurred recently in the world of the series. This is the only known instance of partial consumption among fans as of writing this article.

Octopus Devil

In Part 2 of the Chainsaw Man manga, fans are introduced to the Octopus Devil, the next Devil that Pochita erases. As of the writing of this article, the Devil has not yet returned.

The erasure of the Octopus Devil is also revealed offscreen, with fans only being informed about it when Pochita’s perspective returns in chapter 174. However, fans are already acquainted with the Octopus Devil due to Hirofumi Yoshida’s contract with and utilization of it.

Snow Devil

The erasure of the Snow Devil is revealed to fans in chapter 174’s final pages, but it occurs offscreen like many other erasures in the series. Although there are theories suggesting that one of the members of Special Division 5 is the Snow Devil, its true appearance remains unknown. As of now, the identity of the Snow Devil and the effects of its erasure by Pochita on the world of the series are still unconfirmed.

Bitterness Devil

The Chainsaw Man manga reveals that Pochita consumes the Bitterness Devil in chapter 174, making it the third of four Devils mentioned. The Mouth Devil, who was recently released, is the fourth. Some speculate that, like the Snow Devil, the Bitterness Devil may be one of the members of Special Division 5. However, this theory remains unconfirmed. It is also uncertain how the erasure of the Bitterness Devil has affected the world of the series thus far.

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