Rapper Ch1tkey’s Disturbing Revelations in Fake Death Stunt and Livestream Outburst

There has been significant controversy surrounding rapper Ch1tkey’s recent stunt, in which he faked his own death as a promotional tactic for his upcoming album.

The rapper, known for faking his death during a rooftop video shoot to gain attention, went live on July 31 to address his critics. However, his response only added to the public’s outrage.

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During the livestream, Ch1tkey adamantly defended his actions, stating that his elaborate deception was part of a larger plan for a triumphant comeback that unfortunately did not go as planned.

“I’m not just seeking attention, I tried to make a comeback with my album, but I ended up being so smart that I deceived even my family. So the police, reporters came to my house, and news reports came out.”


The rapper recounted a chaotic situation upon the arrival of the police at his home.

Despite initially escaping capture with the assistance of a friend, Ch1tkey was eventually caught when he left to visit a nearby convenience store.

Despite his confession of the hoax, it was not received with sympathy. On the contrary, it was met with widespread criticism and disbelief.

To further fuel the controversy, Ch1tkey made a series of enigmatic and unsettling remarks during the broadcast.

The man asserted that he had been “resurrected”by God’s grace following a pact he had made, implying that his deeds were approved by a higher power.

God told me that I am good and Korean people are bad. So pretending to be moral while doing bad things online is wrong. What I’m doing is ‘what God wanted,’ according to what God told me.

– Ch1tkey

As the rapper continued his remarks, they became increasingly unsettling, particularly when he delved into his future plans.

Ch1tkey made a shocking admission, revealing that he had carried a chainsaw instead of a firearm and admitted to contemplating consuming human flesh.

Ch1tkey(Photo : Instagram)
Ch1tkey (Photo : Instagram)

“I’m planning to eat human flesh,”


These statements have caused viewers and fans to feel alarmed and unsettled.

The initial stunt revolved around Ch1tkey’s purported “fall”from a building, which resulted in sincere tributes from his girlfriend and acquaintances who were unaware of the deceit.

The subsequent public mourning was exposed as a calculated scheme, resulting in widespread backlash against the rapper’s moral standards and promotional methods.

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