Real-time tab sharing is now available for testing in Microsoft Edge.

But, back in October, Microsoft demonstrated a real-time browser tab sharing function that looked promising, despite the fact that many of the features that are being added to Edge aren’t that beneficial. You are now able to assist Microsoft in testing it.

Microsoft has made the preview version of Edge Workspaces, a feature of the browser that facilitates collaboration, available to personal Microsoft account users. Up until this point, the feature was only available in corporate deployments of Microsoft Edge, and even then, it could only be enabled by the IT administrators of the firm.

Sign up for the Edge Workspaces Preview if you are ready to get started. The new preview is now restricted to only working with personal Microsoft accounts, and it can only be used with Edge for Windows versions v111 and higher. Users with school or work accounts, computers running Mac OS X or Linux, and anyone else in these categories will have to wait this one out. Microsoft has not provided any information regarding when or if the capability would be made available on other systems. When you are accepted into the testing program, you will be given five invites that you can provide to your relatives and friends.

The functionality of Edge Workspaces has not changed from how it was described initially. You can still establish a link to a workspace from within the Edge browser, and then share that link with anyone else who uses Edge. Anyone who joins the workspace will be able to view all of the tabs you currently have open, and if someone else creates a new tab, it will also show up in your browser. It’s kind of like a combo of bookmarks and the way collaboration is handled in Google Documents; there are profile images displayed on the tabs to show who is using particular tabs. Nevertheless, this is not a remote desktop session. Each individual still needs to log in to their own account in order to view any restricted pages or documents, and each person has control over which tabs are displayed on their own personal computers.

It is hoped that Edge Workspaces will soon become available for usage by all users of Edge, as this feature has the potential to be one of the most helpful additions to Edge in recent years.

Source: Microsoft

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