Really become lovers! BBGIRLS Yoo Jung & “Again My Life” Lee Kyuhan finally admitted their relationship, the two are 11 years apart

(Cover image source: IG@weare_bbgirls, IG@leeqja)

BBGIRLS member Yoo Jung was rumored to be in love with actor Lee Kui Han who had performed “Again My Life”on July 13, but both parties denied it at the time, and officially admitted it two months later today (7).

According to today’s “10Asia”report, the management companies of Yoo Jung and Lee Kui Han both admitted that they are in a relationship, indicating that the two are developing well. We have good feelings and are getting to know each other.”

(Source: IG@bladeent.official)
(Source: IG@weare_bbgirls)

The two should have been together since the variety show “Rustic, Haven’t You Been Here?”》Acquaintance with cooperation, and then developed into lovers, and for denying the relationship two months ago, Korean netizens raised “question marks”, guessing that the group might be coming back and denying it first, and some people thought it was just ambiguous at the time, after the report came out. There was an opportunity for a relationship…Wait, some people were surprised at the 11-year age difference between the two (Yoo Jung was born in 1991 at 32 years old, and Lee Kui Han was born in 1980 at 43 years old), but most netizens still gave their blessings.

The second from the left is Yoo Jung, and the first from the right is Li Kuihan (Source: Official poster of KBS “Rustic, have you never been here before?”)

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